Media Balance & Literacy
Privacy & Security
Digital Footprint
Relationships & Communication

What is social media?

Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking


Name 3 bits of personal information you shouldn't share online

Full name, SSN, phone number, credit card info, address, medical info, school you attend, hometown...if the personal statement would be true for many people, it's okay to share. If not, it's private.


Name 2 boundaries you can set for yourself involving texting or social media

Not responding after a certain time in the evening, turning devices off during class, not having important conversations via text, not allowing people to "double text" you, not allowing people to harass or cyberbully you

What is self-disclosure?

Sharing private or personal thoughts and feelings with someone


What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is using digital devices, sites, and apps to intimidate, harm, and upset someone


Why do companies photoshop models for ads?

Photo retouching is often used in advertising, where photos of people are altered to make them look skinnier, have clearer skin, or look younger. Advertisements are messages or photos that are made to persuade someone to buy a certain product.


Media that is created with the intention of getting you to click it...usually manipulative

Click Bait


What is a digital footprint?

A record of what you do online, including the sites you visit and the things you post. It can also include things that others post that involve you, such as pictures or comments


Name 2 pros and 2 cons of online dating

Pros: Access (lots of choices outside of your inner circle), Matching/ compatibility, Convenient, Easier for introverts

Cons: Too many choices, Can't sense a "spark" or emotion, People can lie easier, Addiction, Creeps


Name one action you can take to de-escalate digital drama or stop cyberbullying

  • Respond with a positive comment or action.

  • Ignore the post.

  • Talk (offline) with the person involved to try to de-escalate the situation.

  • Save the evidence 

  • Report, block, spam


Name 2 Pros and 2 Cons of online usage

Cons: Depression, Anxiety, Addicting, Decreases productivity, Distracting, Negative content, Spam, Social isolation

Pros: Entertainment, Connection, Communication, Convenience, Knowledge, Spreading Awareness/ news, Job opportunities , Music, Weather


Name one clue that something is clickbait 

Clue #1: It seems impossible or unbelievable. 

Clue #2: It tries to shock you. 

Clue #3: It refers to a celebrity or popular topic.

Clue #4: The URL is shortened or there isn't a .com, .edu, .net, or .gov 


What does the phrase "invisible audience" mean?

unknown or unanticipated people who can see information about you posted online


What is one way you can respond to an uncomfortable question online?

  1. Say it's a personal preference: "Sorry, I prefer not to give out information like that over the internet."

  2. Change the subject: "Oh man, it better not rain today."

  3. Say what really matters: "It doesn't matter what the name of my street is. I was just venting about my neighbors."


What is the difference between a bystander and an upstander?

A bystander observes a conflict or unacceptable behavior but does not take part in it. An upstander actually helps and tries to do something about it


What does the blue light on your screen do? 

Decreases your sleep hormones (melatonin) and makes it harder for you to fall asleep & stay asleep


What is the most valuable thing someone can "phish" for using a phishing scam?

Your identity! (identity theft)


What is bias?

A bias is an unfair belief about a person or group based on a stereotype (oversimplified ideas about how certain groups of people should be). Everyone deserves a chance to figure out what works for them.  


What is a "red flag feeling?"

A red flag feeling is when something happens on digital media that makes you feel uncomfortable, worried, sad, or anxious.

It is a warning of a possible problem. It is often a feeling in your stomach that something is wrong


How is “digital drama” different from “in-person drama?”

It can reach a big audience and reach them immediately.

It can include images or videos that get people's attention.

It can involve people posting things anonymously.

People hide behind a keyboard and say things unfiltered that they'd never say in-person


What is the difference between active and passive technology use?

Active: Contributing online via posts, comments, or other forms of communication and expression

Passive: Scrolling through online content without reacting to the content


What is the Curiosity Gap?

The desire people have to figure out missing information (because your mind doesn't like to have missing pieces, or "gaps" in things we know about)


What is a cookie?

Cookies are small pieces of data used to identify your device, give you a personal experience, and track your behavior. You can turn them off using your privacy settings. Adjust privacy settings


What is online disinhibition?

The online disinhibition effect is when people behave differently online than they would in real life.


What is hate speech?

Hate speech is making cruel, hostile, or negative statements about someone based on their race, religion, national origin, ability, age, gender, or sexual orientation.