Using digital technology to deliberately and repeatedly hurt someone.
What is "cyberbullying"?
Nearly 25%, 50% or 75% of teens say they have posted something online that they later regretted.
What is "50%"?
Most searched for mobile game on Google in 2020.
What is "Among Us"?
Examples of this are adult activities, illegal or risky behavior, hate speech and violence. Hint: ____________ content
What is "inappropriate content"?
You can't do this once you post something online. Hint: 3 words.
What is "take it back."
Someone that stands by and watches someone be bullied without doing anything.
What is a "bystander"?
In a poll taken in 2017, 25%, 50%, or 75% of teens say they think they're addicted to their smartphones
What is "50%"?
This verb means when someone uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a system. Hint: it rhymes with "quack"
What is "hack"?
There are many examples of PRIVATE information. (Name 3)
What are "full name, address, phone number, username/password, email, account numbers, email, etc."?
When you share something online, only your friends can see it. True/False
What is "false"? People can screen shot, copy, and forward anything you post online.
If you know of someone being cyberbullied, you can help them.
What is "send kind messages to the person, refuse to join in the bullying, tell the cyberbully to stop, report the cyberbully"?
This is a social media platform that allows users to send photos to friends that can be viewed for a set amount of seconds (1 to 10) before self-destructing.
What is "snapchat"?
Most searched for how to video.
What is "How to make hand sanitizer"?
Posting or participating in inappropriate online content can have serious consequences. (name 2)
What is "get a bad reputation, punishment at home, school, or the law, and hurt chances of college or future jobs"?
Some passwords are better than others. Which is best: D@gLover! doglover1 Cindy1
What is "D@gLover!"?
There can be serious effects on the person being cyberbullied.
What is "feeling sad/alone, avoiding school, feeling helpless, hurting oneself"?
The percentage of young people between the ages of 12 and 17 that have been bullied online is about 20%, 37% or 62%"
What is "about 37%"?
Sometimes people with bad intentions will continuously give you flattering comment, pretend to care deeply about you, talk about adult things, make you feel guilty or ashamed, or ask for revealing pictures. This behavior has a name.
What is "grooming"?
There is a difference between personal and private information. Explain
What is "private information is information you keep secret, personal is okay to share and is general information"?
This is the number one social network for teens (as of spring 2018)
What is Snapchat"?
People being cyberbullied can take several steps to stop cyberbullying.
What is "don't respond, block the bully, save the message,set up a new account, report it to the website, tell a trusted adult"?
The percent of teens who have said something bad about someone online that they would not have said in person is either 25%, 50% or 75%.
What is "25%"?
If you receive an inappropriate request there are several things you can do. (name 2)
What is "unfriend or block the requester, report it to the website/app, tell a trusted adult"?
There are dangerous consequences of sharing private information. (name 2)
What is "a computer virus, endangering your safety, identity theft"?
The percent of teens 13-17 thatreport having at least one active social media profile: 35, 66, 75 %
What is "75%"?