When should you take a break from using your computer, tablet, phone, i-pad, or television?
a. during family dinner
b. At bedtime
c. When it is a nice time to play outside .
d. All of these
d. All of these. It is important to disconnect from technology and take breaks.
When I am at school I will use my personal device for educational purposes only. I will follow my teachers instructions and always ask if I may go on other websites.
Yes or No
This is part of classroom, board of education, and digital citizenship rules.
When is it not ok to send an email?
a. Asking about someone's day
b. To find out about a book report due date
c. to tell someone you hate them or want to fight them.
This is a form of cyberbullying and can get you into trouble with the law.
What body part should you listen to about not posting private info ?
a. head
b. toes
c. arms
A. use your head
don't send private info and always log out of devices.
I will _________ before I post anything on line.
a. laugh
b. cry
c. think
d. do sit up's
One piece of information you never should give over the internet is...
a. Your favorite color
b. your address
c. the show you watched last night.
b. your address. This will make it easier for a stranger to find you.
All the websites you visit on your computer will..
a. have a party
b. disappear after a few days
c. be saved forever in the computer and can be traced back to you.
Everything you do on a computer or smartphone is saved to that devices memory and becomes a digital footprint.
If someone is being unkind or harmful on line the first thing I should do is
a. kick them
b. confront them
c. tell my friend
d tell am adult
You must tell an adult. They will be the best way to correct the problem without getting you in trouble as well.
true or false
The heart is the digital citizen body part associated with respect and caring about not posting to harm others.
When you use your heart you are trying to remain kind.
in the word P.C the P stands for_________.
a. personal
b. pappersmapper
c. pepper
a. personal
PC= Personal Computer
True or false
Everyone you don't know online is a safe responsible person. It is ok to tell them secrets .
False !
You should not share anything over the internet with people you do not know and always ask your parents if it is ok to share things with the people you do know.
True or false
You can send mean or threatening pictures on snapchat because they disappear and no one will see them except the person you sent them to.
Despite popular belief. All pictures on snapchat are sent to a server and are collected and monitored.
Before you post you must follow the THINK rule. What is one word not included in this rule
a. true
c. funny
c is out of place
Think stands for
True, helpful, inspiring, necessary, and kind
Before you post something you should make sure it is
a. colorful
b. nasty
c. helpful
d. spelled wrong
H = Helpful in the THINK method
On the internet my gut tells me
a. to eat more pizza
b. to visit appropriate websites
c. to visit bad websites
always go on approved or safe websites
True or false:
When making a password you must always include your birthday, name, and street name.
You should make a password that only you know. Colors, superheroes, favorite numbers, and codenames are all ok to use.
It is not safe to
a. go on any website you want without checking with an adult .
b. have social media apps
c. go on abc-ya
You can have apps that make you create. Games are also ok as long as approved by your parents or teachers.
What sentence should not go in an email to another student
a. nice to meet you
b. You are so dumb
c. Have a nice day
d. I am not very good at math
This is an example of harassing someone digitally.
Always follow your gut and make safe choices online
Another word for your Gut is :
a. stomach
b. nose
c. elbows
Stomach means the same as Gut
My digital footprint could include
a. pintrest
b. facebook
c. tiktok
d. All of these
these are all ok as long as you use them properly and are kind.
When should you handle your device with care?
a. at the playground
b. going down the stairs
c. In the classroom walking around
d. All of these.
D all of these. It is important to always carry your device properly with two hands. Avoid swinging, running, and hitting the keys to hard.
It is ok to the following in your digital footprint except
a. Netflix
b. Instagram
c. youtube
d. www.donotlookatthiskids.com
A website you have never heard of or your an adult has not told you is safe.
If I see a classmate going on a website I know is not allowed I should..
a. scream at them
b. tell my cousin
c. tell the teacher or principal.
You should always tell the teacher, but if you can not let the principal know so she can alert the teacher.
What is not private info ?
a. Home address
b. Your full name
c. what you had for breakfast three weeks ago
what you eat is not private info especially if you had it three weeks from your latest post.
Who is responsible for you being a good digital citizen ?
a. my teacher
b. my father
c. my goldfish
d. I am
d. YOU ARE !!!
I can teach you but the choice is yours!