What is social media?
A form of online communication.
What is text messages?
Messages written on mobile devices.
What is one way to use a strategy?
Write research questions.
What did the 2010s bring
Why shop online 2 reason
Convenience and Level of inventory
What is credibility?
What is a smartphone?
Changed the landscape of mobile technology.
What is 2 ways to use citations?
Entries in a bibliography, and works cited page.
What are 3 text messaging safety
Don't text and drive, Share you number with who you trust, Lock your phone
What is a brick and motor store
It is shopping traditional
What is bias?
Is a predict for or against something.
What is E-commerce?
Buying and selling goods over the internet.
What is 3 trusted credible URL's?
.gov .edu . org
What is 2 ways that you can use social media?
Online content communities, and comment enabled blogs.
Where can you buy stuff
Company storefronts individuals e stores online marketplaces
What is a blog?
An online journal.
What is a classified site?
A website where people post what they want to sell.
What should you use to search?
A search engine or boolean search.
When was the first cell phone invented?
What are 3 potenial dangers of online shoping
Dishonesty sellers Hidden cost personal safery
What is a bibliography?
A list of sources uses.
What is a pager?
Personal devices to send messages.
What is one way to avoid plagiarism?
Read sources then put aside to write.
What are 4 types of social media?
Blogs, micro blogs,wikis, podcasts, and media sharing.
What are 2 payment methods
Credit cards Checks