When you talk to a person online you do not know, what is something you should never do?
Meet Them In Person or Give Personal Information
What is it called when someone is being mean to someone else online?
What is the one thing you do not need to site in your report?
Common Knowledge Facts
What does the T mean when evaluating a website?
What is the word you must always remember before posting something online?
What are the two you should never share online?
Passwords and Address
If you post or type something in all capital letters what will/how will others read your post and think what you are doing?
What is it called when you put the author's thoughts or ideas into your words?
What does the A mean evaluating a website?
What do you call it when someone finds and uses your information online?
What should you do if someone online asks for a picture or information about you?
Tell a Trusted Adult
What happens to your technology tail when you post something mean?
It gets a scratch, tear or hole
What do you need to use when you use a direct quote from a source?
Quotation Marks
What does the C mean when evaluating a website?
When someone says something mean about you online how many kind things does it take for you to feel better?
What should you do if a pop-up ad comes up while you're online?
Do Not Open It
What do you want to get on your technology tail?
If you are caught plagiarizing what are the two consequences you face as a student?
Failing Grade and Being Expelled
What does the O mean when evaluating a website?
What is the phrase for putting something online that you would never say to someone in person?
Keyboard Courage
What is phishing?
Someone trying to get your personal information
What are the three R's you need to remember when you are online?
Respect, Responsibility and Read
What is a bibliography?
A page where you site all your sources
What are the two best URL's to use when looking for a reliable website?
.edu and .gov
What does the acronym THINK stand for?
True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind