What are the 3 S's for surfing?
Search, Strategy, and Safety.
Like an online journal, they can write about any subject.
what is bluetooth?
Wireless technology has allowed car manufactures to combat mobile device safety concerns.
what is e-commerce?
Buying and selling goods over the internet.
what did they call the first phone?
the brick
What are the common credible URLs?
.gov, .edu, and .org
what is a virtual world?
Simulates the experiences of real life through the use of an avatar.
what is a text message?
Written messages people send to each other on a mobile device.
what is m-commerce?
Buying something over the internet.
what was the year of the first phone?
What are the steps of avoiding plagiarism?
make careful research notes, record or bookmark all URL's, read sources, synthesize the information.
what is a webinar?
A presentation, seminar, or workshop conducted over the web.
what is a mobile device?
Mobile devices have freed activities ( such as placing phone calls or using a computer) that were once tied to a stationary device (such as a landline telephone or a desktop computer).
what is brick-n-morter?
Buildings that exist in the real world
what are the ways to protect your phone?
Put your cell phone away after use, Lock your phone, Be careful of who you let use your phone, Turn your phone off at night
what are citations?
entries in a bibliography, different formats, and works cited page.
what is Social Media?
A form of online communication using web-based tools such as comment-enabled blogs, social networking sites, online contest communities, and virtual game worlds.
what is a pager?
Personal devices designed for simple messages, made it easy to reach someone who was not at home or in the office.
what is storefront?
Sells items found in their stores. Sometimes, these sites offer additional inventory that is not available in the brick-and-mortar stores.
what is the text message etiquette?
Don’t share texts from friends without permission,
Don’t use hurtful language, Don’t compose a text while in face-to-face conversation, Don’t text during class, Be mindful of your audience
What is the checklist of credibility criteria?
Author or publisher of the website,Date website published or updated,Purpose of site,URL,Contact information available,Facts vs opinion-look out for bias.
what is Online and Video Chatting
Allows users to chat with one another, either through typing or with telephone or video calling.
that is a Personal Digital Assistant?
A PDA’s main function was to act as a personal organizer by recording, tracking, and managing personal data.
what is a classified site?
A website where people or businesses post items that they want to sell.
what is the text message safety?
Never text while driving, Share your number only with those you trust, Don’t reply to those you don’t know, Report stalkers, NEVER let anyone take a compromising photo of you, Avoid communicating only via text