Digital Footprint
Fake News
Media Balance

What is phishing?

Tricking people into giving personal info out by pretending to be a trusted source.


What is cyberbullying?

Using technology to harass, embarrass or threaten someone online.

What is a Digital Footprint?

All the information about a person that exists online.

What is fake news.

False or misleading information presented as real news.


What does having "media balance" mean?

Using technology in a healthy way without it taking over your life. Or not using technology too much!


Name 1 Common sign of a phishing message (NOT spelling or grammar mistakes).

Urgent Language like do this NOW, suspicious/shortened links, unfamiliar sender, "too good to be true" rewards, threating language like your account will be deleted.


Give 1 example of cyberbullying.

Mean messages, spreading rumors, sharing private photos, leaving mean comments.


How long does your digital footprint exist on the internet?

It is permanent. So a very long time. Possibly your whole life.


What is Corroboration?

Proving a claim true with multiple other sources.


Name one sign that you may need a break from screens.

Tired eyes, lack of sleep, feeling distracted, makes you angry.


What should you do if you receive a suspicious email that looks like phishing?

Don't click links, don't respond, report it, delete it.


What should you do if you witness cyberbullying occurring to a friend?

Support them, report it, don't share the message.


Why do employers and colleges check digital footprints?

To see if someone has a positive or negative online reputation.


Name 1 way to check if a news story is true.

Cross-check sources, fact-checking sites, reverse image search.


How can you set boundaries for healthy technology use?

Set time limits, turn off notifications, have screen-free zones.


What sign of phishing scam is seen below:

Congrats! You have won $200! Click link to accept!

"Too Good To Be True" Reward.


What is the difference between a bystander and an upstander?

A bystander does nothing. An upstander speaks up or helps.


How might a deleted post still affect your digital footprint?

Screenshots could exist, back ups that others saved, archives on accounts, media shared with others.


Name 1 sign that a story is "fake news".

  • The website is unfamiliar or lacks credibility.
  • No reputable news organizations are reporting the same story.
  • Tries to create outrage, fear, or extreme emotions.
  • Sounds too good (or bad) to be true.
  • The article pushes an agenda instead of presenting balanced information.

What is a benefit of using media?

  • Staying Connected – Helps people keep in touch with friends, family, and communities, even from far away.
  • Learning & Education – Provides access to news, tutorials, and educational content on various topics.
  • Creativity & Self-Expression

What sign of a scam is seen below?

Click the link NOW or your account will be deleted.

Urgent and threatening language.


What are three things you can do if you experience cyberbullying?  

Ignore the bully, block the person, save evidence, report it to a trusted adult or platform, and support others who are targeted.


What is 1 personality trait that the Facebook Score accounts for?

Agreeableness, Openness, Extroversion, Conscientiousness/hardworking, Emotionally Stable.

Name a fact checking website that you can use to verify a claim.

How can spending too much time on screens affect your mental health?

It can cause feelings of loneliness, stress, or anxiety.