Cyber Bullying
Online Safety
Personal Information and passwords
Health and Laws

What is it called when someone embarrasses, scares, or hurts people over technology?

Cyber Bullying


What privacy setting should you use?

Use the strongest setting possible. For example: friends only.


What should you do when you have your phone but there are people around you in person?

Put your phone down and pay attention to your friends and family!


What are two examples of personal information?

Real name, phone number, address, pictures of you, birthday, name of your school


Is screen time okay to do as many hours as you feel like it?

No. It can cause you harm.


What should you do if you are being cyber bullied?

 Tell your parent, teacher, or other trusted adult


Someone you don't know asks you for your real name, address, and phone number. What should you do?

Tell your parent or other trusted adult. They can help you block the person.


What is Netiquette?

The name for social rules for how to behave online


Who should know your passwords?

Only you and your parents or guardian. (Your teacher can know your passwords for login information on school things like spelling city and ixl and social studies websites.)


Is it okay to send inappropriate things via text, email, or social media?

No. It is against the law and you could have to pay the consequence.


What should you do when you are in a chat room and you see mean words being said to another person?

Tell an adult. They can help you.


What should you do before going on the computer or tablet?

Ask your parent or teacher for permission!


Should I use all capital letters when I post or text?

No! It is like yelling.


What should you use for your screen name in online video games or chat rooms?

Use something that doesn't identify who you are. You could use something like Ilovedogs or Pizzayes or Peanutbutterbear.


What can happen to your body from spending too much time on your devices?

Your eyes can be strained and vision problems can happen.  Also, your back and wrists can become painful from too much time on your devices.


What could happen to you if you cyber bully someone?

You could get in big trouble including being suspended from school.


Should you talk to people you don't know online?

No! They are strangers! Beware of strangers. Some can have bad intentions.


Should you type or dictate a post, text or email and send it right away?

No. You should always reread your post, text or email before sending it to make sure it really says what you meant.


What is a good way to make a password?

Use a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols. Make sure it is something you can remember.  You can use a word and replace some letters with symbols and add some numbers in the beginning or middle or end.


When you research and take something word for word (or even an idea which is very close to word for word) what do you need to do?

I need to give credit where credit is due.


Is posting something about someone that you think is kind of funny, but it's also kind of mean at the same time okay to do?

No! It is cyber bullying!


What should you do if someone you met online asks to meet you in person?

Don't meet with them! Tell your parent or other trusted adult!


What rule should you use to decide what to post online?

The Golden Rule: Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.


Your BEST friend asks you for your password. What should you do?

Tell them "No way!"


Is it okay to download music and videos without paying for them?

No. People need to pay for the right to download things like music and videos.