What is a digital citizen?
Someone who acts safe and respectful online
True or false
Posting your personal info online is generally a bad idea
Why might someone impersonate an online celebrity or politician
To steal clout, scam, or troll
What are the other 3 apps Facebook owns?
Instagram, Whatsapp, Messenger
Why should you have different passwords for different online accounts
If a website gets hacked, the rest of your accounts are safe
What is the difference between phishing and spear phishing?
Phishing is a general scam that is not targeting someone specifically. Spear phishing is targeting someone specifically, with websites/organizations they would only know
What is clickjacking?
Clicking on a legitimate looking link, only for it to scam you
What is it called when you impersonate someone online?
How does facebook get a majority of its income?
Selling advertisements
Should you trust public wifi?
n o
How do you laterally read?
You open another tab and google search info about the author/website
What are 3 characteristics of having a secure password?
Symbols, lowercase and uppercase letters, and make it long
The "about us" page of websites should establish what?
Credibility, why you should be listening to their website
If you delete messages on social media, are they permanently deleted?
N o p e
True or False
Doxxing is exposing someone's identity online
What is a digital footprint?
Anything you do online. From liking that FNaF post on reddit, to updating your Facebook page.
If a product is free to use, like social media, how do they make a profit?
They sell your information
Websites ending with .edu and .gov are what types of sites?
Mostly credible, its college and governmental websites
How many Americans use social media
Why is keeping your IP address safe crucial for online security
So hackers don't see where you live
What does it mean if a source is Peer-Reviewed?
Other credible sources verified that information
What is 2 factor Authentication
receiving a secondary code to login, via text, email, or code generation app
Why would sponsored ads not be credible?
They're advertisements, if they don't have to be honest. They're selling you a product!
Snapmaps does what to the user?
Tracks their current location
IF a hacker creates a legit looking wifi signal, what is it called?
Malicious hotspot