Digital Life
Strategic Searching
Scams and Sceams
Cyber Bullying
Creators Rights
Anything that deals with something like television, radio, or newspaper that often reaches and impacts a large audience.
What is media
The definition of effective
What is Achieving a desired goal or result
An attempt to trick someone usually with the intention of stealing money or private information
What is a scam
Someone who sees cyber bullying happening but does nothing to help
What is a bystander
Any idea or artistic creation that is recorded in some form, whether it's hard copy or digital
What is creative work
Electronic devices or media platforms like cell phones, the Internet, social networking, video games, or computers.
What is examples of digital media
Doing something in a way that saves you time and energy
What is efficient
A type of crime in which your private information is stolen and used for criminal activity
What is identity theft
Someone who helps when they see cyber bullying occur
What is an upstander
A law that protects your control over the creative work you make so that people must get your permission before they copy, share, or perform your work
What is copyright
a literary device for comparing two unlike things
What is a simile
A course of action designed to help you reach a specific goal or result
What is strategy
In a position that makes it easier for you to be harmed or attacked
What is vulnerable
To imagine the feelings that someone else is experiencing
What is empathize
A kind of copyright that makes it easier for people to copy, share, and build on your creative work, as long as they give you credit for it
What is Creative Commons
When digital media is described as being interactive
What is when people can make friends and communicate online
Select a research question
What is the first step to make a search plan
When someone contacts you by calling emailing or messaging you to get private information
How do the theives try to get your private information
Tell the bully to stop and stand up for the target
What is helping someone who is getting cyber bullied
People can change the definition and answers and it is would be copyrighted
Why can't you copy information from websites like Wikipedia
The term 24/7 when digital media is described
What is media is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Put quotation marks around a phrase or lyric you remember
How would you find out the name of a song online
When you look for spelling mistakes, links or emails, or spots to fill in private information
What can you do to avoid scams
When someone says a rude comment online
What is cyber bullying
The song you don't here in movies or videos that often because you would have to pay a fee
What is the Happy Birthday song