At School
At Home
With Friends
During a school class research project, you know several digital presentation tools to choose from for what will work best with your completed work.
What is Digital Literacy?
Some countries believe that having internet is a right and a basic need.
What is Digital Access?
If you had an arguement with a classmate, you refrain from posting negative comments online about this person.
What is D Rights & Responsibilities or Digital Etiquette?
You enjoy connecting with family and friends within an online social media site (Like Facebook), and you have your parents permission to use this. A couple of things to be mindful of when it comes to the links and games that are displayed on or affiliated to these sites are...
What is unknown sharing of your private information or possiblity of obtaining viruses.
When posting online you are careful about posting comments or pictures of coworkers, and ensure you have their consent.
What is Digital Law or Digital Rights & Responsibilities?
During class you ensure your phone is turned off and phone is used only when instructed by your teacher if it is needed for a learning activity.
What is Digital Etiquette?
A friend has just come over to your home with a thumb drive and wants to file share the project that you have both been working on. Before opening the file, you ensure you have scanned USB device as you know viruses are commonly spread this way from computer to USB to another computer
What is Digital Security?
If you are spending more time with online gaming, and are losing interest in spending time with friends face-to-face, you may be suffering with this.
What is Technology/Digital Addiction?
Online you make a negative comment about someone from school who you have just argued with.
What is Digital Communication or Digital Rights & Responsibilities?
Future employers may look online using "this" prior to hiring someone to see their digital footprint.
What is or Google Search?
At school when working with technology you have a proper workspace and table, and take regular movement breaks when sitting for long periods of time. The organizing of your work space so that monitor is at proper eye height and your arms, back and legs are in a good working position is referred to as this.
What is ergonomics?
By sharing with your family what you have learned about searching for images that you will be using for your family garage sale flyer you are modeling this...
What is Digital Law?
One of your friends has posted a picture and mean comment about another person that you go to school with online for many people to see. You talk to your friend and educate them as to how this act was inappropriate and seek adult help if needed to solve the problem. Which aspect(s) of being a good Digital Citizen have you practiced by helping the victim in this circumstance?
What is Digital Rights & Responsibilities, Digital Etiquette, Digital Communication, Digital Law
You are wanting to add a song to your work for a school project and a friend show you how to use a song from your itunes account that you have paid for. Is there anything wrong with this scenario?
What is Law & Ethics... itunes allows for indivual listening to the music, but not for placing music in your own work... permission from the artist must be required unless you used Creative Commons-type music where permission for this has been given when they uploaded it...
Over the years you have learned many digital/computing skills that you are easily able to transfer to a new job upon graduation. What DC skill have you aquired?
What is Digital Literacy, or beging Digitally Literate?
You need to seek clarity from your teacher on work that you have just got back from marking. Initially you wanted to text your teacher about this, but instead opted to make an appointment to discuss issue in person. What DC element have you used appropriately?
What is Digital Communication?
With your Itune card/account you purchased several songs online. Your brother got ahold of your itunes account password and downloaded several "Chimpmunks" songs on their device.
What is Digital Secuirty or Digital Commerce?
You have just broken up with a friend/boyfriend/girlfriend via text message. Which element of DC has been compromised?
What is Digtial Communication?
Posting an embarassing picture of your friend without their permission online (or sending to others via email/text), you have violated this element of DC.
What is digital law & ethics, or Digital Rights & Responsibilities?
Upon graduation you form a strong online presence that acts as your digital portfolio, which can be a great way to market yourself to future employers. What is this referring to?
What is creating your professional digital footprint?
When looking for images to place in your coursework presentation, you ensure you use images that are not infringing on copyright (Digital Law). What are some examples that you can use?
What is Advanced filtered Google Search or What is Creative Commons acceptable domain images?
When you are at home, you keep track of how much time you spend online to ensure that you are involved in balanced activities, relationships and physical activities. You are being mindful of this...
What is Digital Health & Wellness
With your social media account (Facebook), you are careful of whom you "friend" and what information you share by actively using and chekcing your privacy settings.
What is Digital Security? Digital Literacy? Digital Communication?
When posting images, video and comments about yourself you are careful of what you post and are mindful that what may seem "cool" today, might shed a poor light on you in future.
What is Digital Security or Digital Communication?
If you have a bad day at work, you are careful of how you express this online, as you could potentially lose your job.
What is Digital Communication?