Copyright and fair use
Internet Safety
Computer Safety
Internet Etiquette
What is Netiquette?
The exclusive right to use a product.
What is a copyright?
Taking work, usually in the form of words or ideas, that you did not create and claiming those things as your own.
What is plagiarism?
Making wise choices with the internet to prevent potential problems. The problems prevalent for students include cyber bullying, inappropriate content exposure, online predators and revealing too much personal information. (
What is internet safety?
A program that is designed to replicate itself by copying into the other programs stored in a computer is a virus. It may have insignificant or negative effects. ( Avoid downloads, turn off autolaunch so you know when downloads are taking place and buy an anti-virus program to prevent viruses on your computer. (
Explain what a computer virus is and how to avoid it.
Anything that you do not want the world to see.
What should you avoid posting online?
The exclusive right to use a product versus the right to use copyrighted material for educational purposes.
What is the difference between copyright and fair use?
1. Turning in work another student did 2. Copying Wikipedia or another internet source
What are two common forms of plagiarism?
Once something is posted to the internet it is there forever. You do not want personal information available to the public for your safety.
Why should some information not be shared online?
Phishing is stealing another person's identity by taking personal information online. Do not enter personal information for confirmation emails or pop-ups. Be aware of general safety guidelines just as you would be for viruses. (
What is phishing and how can you avoid it?
Your internet reputation follows you in real life.
Why should you be careful about what you post online?
No more than five pictures from the same artist may be used without special permission. (
What are the fair use guidelines for picture use?
It is easy for a student to copy and paste information, but it is also easy for a teacher to google suspected plagiarized material and confirm any wrong doing. Websites like also curb the temptation for students.
How does technology effect plagiarism?
Just like any other bullying! Talk to an adult about your concerns.
How should cyber bullying be handled?
Trojan horse is similar to a virus; it appears on your computer as something harmless but it then compromises computer security. Trojan horses cannot be duplicated and therefore it is fairly easy to avoid them by not downloading .exe, .ink or .vbs files and following basic security measures. (
What is a Trojan Horse and how can you prevent it?
Some people online are not as safe and friendly as they may seem.
Why is it not a good idea to talk to strangers online?
10% of a video or song may be used without permission from the copyright owner. Three minutes for videos or thirty seconds of a songs are alternative options. ( )
What are the fair use rules for videos and music?
1. Brainstorm ideas with other students but do not take their work. 2. Carefully document where you got information as you do research. 3. Remember to give sources for all your information in your final project.
What are some ways to avoid plagiarism?
1. Only go to websites that have been approved by a trusted adult. 2. Work on the computer in a high-traffic area of your home. 3. Make sure your parents know if you are using the internet on a cell phone, gaming device etc. (
How can you avoid exposure to inappropriate online material?
A worm is a computer program that copies itself and automatically sends copies to other networks, generally having a negative effect on any computers that have contacted it. Worms can be prevented by staying up to date on firewall and security software, being aware of what is being downloaded and keeping the computer protected with strong passwords. (
What is a worm and how can they be prevented?
Reach out (help people new to social media sites), Research (try to find answers on your own) and Remember (all the names on the internet are real people-treat them that way). (
Explain the three R's of Netiquette
Poems may be used if they are under 250 words and 250 words may be used of poems over 2,500 words. Up to 2,500 words may be used from articles. 10% of a book may be used, along with one chart, picture or diagram. (
What are the fair use rules for text material? (Including poems, articles and books).
1. Do not talk to people you do not know. 2. Always ask your parents before visiting a new website. 3. Talk to a trusted adult if anything happens that you are uncomfortable with.
How can you avoid the concerns of online predators?
Viruses and worms spread through networks and take over computers, generally having an adverse effect. Trojan Horses have the same effect, but they do not spread. Phishing is related to identity theft.
Explain the difference between different types of viruses.