Digital Life 102
Oops! I broadcast It on the Internet.
Copyrights and Wrongs
Feeling on Display
Turn Down the Dial on Cyberbullying and Online
Navigating the digital world safely, responsibly, and ethically.
What is digital citizenship?
The effect of something that happened earlier
What is consequence?
The ability to use a small amount of someone's creative work
What is fair use?
When a rule is unfairly applied to different people or groups of people.
What is a double standard
A person who is the object of an intentional action.
What is a target?
A figure of speech in which a comparison is made to show a similarity between two different things.
What is a simile?
The pressure from peers that could result in oversharing and posting things online
What is peer pressure
The tool that people use for their creative work when they don't want it to be protected by copyright and therefore be free to use.
What is public domain
A representation of someone or something, such as a photograph or drawing; the way someone or something is perceived by others.
What is an image
If you are a person who does nothing when they witness a cruel act happening.
What is a bystander?
Electronic devices and media platforms such as computers, cell phones,v video, the Internet, and video games that allow users to create, communicate, and interact with one another or with the device or application
What is digital media
Regret in the past posts and pictures
What is the feeling that comes with oversharing?
A copyright that is used for people to copy, share, and build on someone's creative work - as long as they give the creator credit for it.
What is Creative Commons
They have fear of judgment from peers and they fear not being accepted by them.
What is the cause of pressure that girls have when posting a picture
If you are supporting and standing up for someone else in a situation where the target needs help.
What is an upstander
Anything you do online leaves a permanent record, private information can be copied and sent to anyone, and you can be put into dangerous situations.
What are downsides of social media?
Sharing private information and pictures on the internet that while most likely result in consequences
What does oversharing mean?
Use a photograph for which you already own the copyright, get permission from the copyright holder, and use a photo that is in the public domain
What are the steps taken in order to advertise a photograph
When teenagers post pictures with the intention to gain compliments from friends in comments.
What is "fishing for compliments"
Teens can say hurtful things that they wouldn't have the confidence to say in person and the teens can feel more confident with themselves when they put others down.
What are the benefits (according to teens) of cyber bullying
You can connect with friends, get information easily, people can create things easily
What are the upsides of social media
You couldn't get into your desired college and it may make it hard to get your desired job too. Whatever you post is recorded on an online file.
What is the effect of oversharing on your future?
Use a small amount, Use for nonprofit purpose, Rework and use in a different way, and add new meaning and make it original.
What are the four points of Fair Use
Teens want to appear "perfect" to gain confidence and self esteem through their image.
What is the reasons that teens post pictures online of themselves
Seek help from teachers and parents, block the cyber bully, and never fight back with hurtful words/pictures.
What are the steps that a person should do when being in a cyber bullying situation