Digital Life 102
Oops! I Broadcast It on the Internet
Copyrights and Wrongs
Feelings on Dislpay
Turn Down the Dial on Cyberbullying and Online Cruelty
navigating the digital world safely, responsibly, and ethically
What is Digital Citizenship
The effects of something that happened earlier
What is a consequence
the ability to use a small amount of someone’s creative work without permission, but only in certain ways
What is fair use?
a representation of someone or something, such as a photograph or drawing; the way someone or something is perceived by others
What is Image?
a person who is the object of an intentional action
What is a target?
Electronic devices and media platforms that allow users to create, communicate, and interact with one another or with the device or application itself
What is Digital Media
Someone posts congratulating someone else on something
What is an example of people sharing in a rewarding way?
a law that protects a creator’s ownership of and control over the work he or she creates, requiring other people to get the creator’s permission before they copy, share, or perform that work
What is copyright?
a rule that is unfairly applied to different people or groups of people
What is Double Standard?
a person who intentionally commits acts to hurt or damage someone
What is an Offender
a figure of speech in which a comparison is made to show a similarity between two different things. A simile resembles a metaphor, but in a simile, the word like or as is used to make the comparison
What is a simile?
Being sensible of what you post
What is creating a positive digital footprint?
a use in connection with a business, usually for profit
What is commercial purposes?
People treating the other gender differently in the same situation
What is Double standards?
a person who does nothing when they witness something happening
What is a Bystander
A large sum of teenagers say they have one of these
What is a cellphone?
Posting too mush information or just too much in general
What is oversharing?
a kind of copyright that makes it easy for people to copy, share, and build on someone’s creative work –as long as they give the creator credit for it
What is Creative Commons?
Fiona asks her friend to retake a picture because she thinks she didn't look good in it
What is how people feel on display?
to increase or make more intenseV.l
What is to escalate?
A large Amount of teens do this whenever they can
What is checking social media
Hurting others and getting in trouble for what you post
What are the consequences of sharing online?
creative work that’s not protected by copyright and is therefore free for one to use
What is Public Domain
Girls worry about this more than guys
What is online image?
to decrease or make less intense
What is to de-escalate