
When scheduling a conference call for people in different parts of the world, what factor complicates scheduling the call?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) Federal laws
2) Weather patterns
3) Time zones
4) Email servers

3) Time zones


What type of digital technology would be a best fit for posting weekly short stories which can increase exposure?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) Wiki
2) Blog
3) Email
4) Podcast

2) Blog

Short for web log, an informal website consisting of date- or time-stamped articles, or posts, in a diary or journal format.

A blog allows a writer to upload and publish text, images, or other content directly to an audience, who can read and comment on the blog by using its web address but can’t change the blog’s content.


When you tell your smartphone to check for any new email messages, what device does the smartphone communicate with?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) Incoming mail server
2) Internet router
3) Outgoing mail server
4) Sender's computer

1) Incoming mail server

A device receiving email gets the email from its incoming mail server.


What form of digital communication would best help prepare/study information even while driving?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) Online conferencing
2) Podcasts
3) Voice-to-text
4) Email

2) Podcasts

A podcast is recorded media that users can download or stream to a computer or mobile device and listen to at any time, even while driving.


If an employee sees inappropriate information being displayed on a co-worker's screen, how should it be handled?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) Post a complaint on the company's internal messaging board.
2) Email the HR director
3) Ask to speak with the HR director privately
4) Send an anonymous email to the boss

3) Ask to speak with the HR director privately

Sensitive or potentially embarrassing or incriminating activity should typically be discussed in person through appropriate channels of authority. In a work situation, trained individuals can provide further guidance on how to properly document incidents while keeping the information private as needed.


What information does Facebook use to automatically places photos in chronological order for when they were taken and suggests places to tag in the photos?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) Metadata
2) Tags
3) Filenames
4) Comments

1) Metadata

Photos and other posts on social network sites also include information not generally visible to site users. This metadata is data about the photos and posts, such as GPS location coordinates and time stamps.


Why might a blogger choose to post on a blogging network instead of posting on the blogger’s own website?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) more exposure
2) more expensive
3) more control of the blog's content
4) more branding consistency

1) more exposure

A blogging network is a social network where bloggers can increase exposure of their blogs by chatting with other bloggers.

Bloggers can share each other’s posts on Tumblr or on other social networks.


An email requesting a response to a long list of people. As people response, the inbox of each person in that list is getting flooded with unwanted email. What most likely caused this problem?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) The wrong account is being used
2) The mail server was infected with a virus
3) Most people used the Reply All button
4) The recipients where mistakenly named as the event organizer

3) Most people used the Reply All button

The Reply All button sends a response to the sender and to anyone who received courtesy copies of the original email. Reply All should only be used when all the recipients of the original message also need to see your reply


How can a person send information privately via Facebook so other people can’t see it?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) Send a message
2) Post to a profile page
3) Post to a profile page and then tag the person you want to send information to
4) Reply to a newsfeed of the person you want to share information with.

1) Send a message

Content on social networking sites can be posted publicly on a user’s profile or by responding to other users’ posts. But when you want to keep content private, use the site’s messaging service instead.


What is the best form of communication to inform a team of staff right away that there is an issue that may result in layoffs?
_ _ _ _ _

1) Call a face-to-face meeting with all team members
2) Send a group text with all team members
3) Send an instant message to each team member
4) Send an email and CC each team member

1) Call a face-to-face meeting with all team members

When communicating bad news that could have a significant impact on business, try to use face-to-face meetings whenever possible.


Which type of digital media is best suited to set up a knowledge base, share information and organize it for easy reference?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) Blog
2) Podcast
3) Wiki
4) Email

3) Wiki

A wiki is a collaborative website that lets several users create, add to, change, or delete content through a web browser


What kind of software do you need to create a blog?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) FTP
2) CMS
3) ISP
4) VoIP

2) CMS (content management system)

A tool used to create a blog or website that you usually install or manage on your web server.


If an email was sent, but the recipient claims they never saw the email, what can be done to confirm it was sent?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) the sender can check their sent items folder
2) sign into the recipients email account
3) archive older messages
4) organize the Inbox folder

1) the sender can check their sent items folder

When you send a message, it’s stored in your Sent Items folder.


If someone posts inappropriate and harassing comments on your social media posts, what can you do?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) block the person
2) stop posting
3) make all posts private
4) change your password to your social media accounts

1) block the person

Many social networking sites allow users to block other people from seeing the user’s content, posts, or personal information. This can reduce harassing interactions from disrespectful people.


Which of the following email addresses would be the best fit for a business consultant?
_ _ _ _ _

2) jefjones^


Choose a user name that is easy to communicate to others verbally and that’s easy to remember without trying to be humorous or offensive. Short user names, such as jeffjones, are easy to spell, easy to remember, and don’t require unusual symbols.


What online tool can best help for updates, news articles and new sources of quality information for a particular industry or interest?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) GoFundMe
2) Dropbox
3) Skype
4) Flipboard

4) Flipboard

Content aggregator sites such as Flipboard locate and assemble information from many online sources. 

Examples of content aggregators include Flipboard and Reddit.


For a video conference job interview, what steps should be taken to prepare? (choose two)

1) Email a thank you note to all of the participants
2) Prepare the background area behind the chair
3) Dress nicely in a suit and tie
4) Download, install, and test the video conferencing software

2) Prepare the background area behind the chair

4) Download, install, and test the video conferencing software


Scenario: There is informal email communication between 2 co-workers. Eventually, the communication turns to work topics and one of the employees wants to forward the email to the boss for feedback about the work topics. What should be done first?
_ _ _ _ _

!) List other coworkers to receive courtesy copies of the email
2) Remove the text of the earlier emails
3) Archive the email conversation
4) Delete the earlier emails from his Inbox 

2) Remove the text of the earlier emails

When replying to and forwarding an email, all previous emails in the conversation is often included in the email. Before forwarding an email to another party, check to determine whether text from earlier emails in the conversation should be deleted first.


Which of the following are effective and respectful ways to expand a friend list on a social media site? (select all that apply)
_ _ _ _ _

1) Chat with people on their threads to get to know them before adding a few of them to your friends list
2) Add everyone who posts on your threads to your friends list
3) Add all of a family members friends to your friends list
4) Search for other people on the site you might already know and add them to your friends list

1) Chat with people on their threads to get to know them before adding a few of them to your friends list 

4) Search for other people on the site you might already know and add them to your friends list

Get to know people before adding them as friends, such as chatting with them on their posts. You can also search for and network with people you already know.


How can you engage the audience and encourage active participation in a video conference?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) Incorporate polling question
2) Ask for feedback
3) Encourage the audience to take notes
4) Wear a silly hate

1) Incorporate polling question


What social media tool can be used to make information readily available and better organized for a particular topic or interest?
_ _ _ _ _

1) Social curation site
2) Discussion forum site
3) Social networking site
4) Social bookmarking site

1) Social curation site

Social curation sites let users share and save links to websites on selected topics to target the most relevant, useful, and high-quality information.

Examples: Pinterest (personal interest), Digg, Slashdot (news, science, politics & technology)


What resource would be the best place to ask questions and get targeted responses when troubleshooting a printer?
_ _ _ _ _

1) Social shopping network
2) Microblogging platform
3) Podcast subscription
4) Message board

4) Message board

Posting questions to a message board targeting a specific area of interest, such as computer hardware, invites responses from people with a lot of experience in that area.


How can you reach those that don't use social media if you are trying to get information out?
_ _ _ _ _

1) blogging
2) Email
3) Podcasts
4) Crowdsourcing

2) Email

While social networking has many positive effects, some people choose not to use it. More traditional methods of contact, such as email, can still usually reach people who choose not to get involved with social media.


To post about political activities on social media and connect with friends who have similar values. Which of the following sites would NOT be a good place to do this?
_ _ _ _ _ 

1) LinkedIn
2) Twitter
3) Instagram
4) Facebook

1) LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social networking site for professional relationships, such as with coworkers and clients. Unless your job directly relates to controversial topics, LinkedIn is not a good place to discuss your political views.


In which of the following messages would the abbreviation brb (which stands for “be right back”) NOT be appropriate?
_ _ _ _ _

1) an email to a customer
2) a private message with a friend
3) a post on an active discussion board
4) a live chat with a family member

1) an email to a customer

Abbreviations such as brb (“be right back”) are too informal for professional communications.