What should you NEVER share publicly or on social media?
For 100 bonus points give 4 examples of private information
True or False
No one can effect your digital footprint except for you.
100 bonus points if you can tell why.
A digital footprint is the ___________ of information that you leave behind online everywhere you go on the internet.
Should you check your digital footprint from time to time? Yes or No?
100 bonus points if you know why.
True or False
Posting something on social media is similar to announcing something in a very public place.
Why should you use privacy settings on your accounts?
Answers will vary.
50 bonus points for beating me at rock, paper, scissors.
Give 50 to another team if you lose.
If someone sends you inappropriate pictures what should you do to protect your digital footprint? 2 thins.
Tell and adult and delete the photos.
25 bonus points if you whole team stands on one foot for 3 seconds
What we share on the internet is there ______________.
Forever, permanently - answers may vary
If you set all of your accounts to private then you don't have to worry about anyone outside your private group seeing your posts. Yes or No?
100 Bonus points if you know how your private posts can be shared.
Name any 2 very large media sharing apps or websites
answers will vary.
If you said the 2 biggest - youtube and facebook get 100 bonus points for each answer.
What is something you should ALWAYS do before you post online?
100 extra points if you can tell what the letters mean.
Name ways that you can affect another persons digital footprint.
post about them, comment on their posts, send photos to them, screen shot their private messages and share them without permission etc. Answers will vary
It is important that you digital footprint is ______________.
Positive or relating to positive
Beat me in rock, paper, scissors for 50 bonus points. If you lose give the points to another team.
Name 3 ways to help manage your digital footprint.
Some examples will be
Google yourself, privacy settings, delete old accounts, use THINK, be mindful of posts, try to delete what you don't like
What is digital media??
Any media or information accessed by or on a machine or computer.
Give 3 reasons you should be concerned and care about your digital footprint.
jobs, schools, opportunities, other people's opinions, how others see you, reputation etc.
Name 3 ways other people can affect your digital footprint.
Answers will vary.
Guess the number I am thinking of between 1 and 5 and get 100 extra bonus points.
If you find out a person you know if being cyberbullied you should _____________________
Tell an adult - report it right away
If there is something you find in your digital footprint you don't like, what can be done about it?
Try to delete it yourself or ask the person responsible for posting it to delete it to make it less visible.
Name 4 ways to leave a positive digital footprint.
Answers will vary.
Beat me in rock, paper scissors for 50 bonus points. If you lose choose another team to receive the points.
Give 4 ways you can take care of your digital footprint and make sure it is very positive.
answers will vary.
What are 2 things you can do if there is someone that you feel is affecting your digital footprint in a negative way?
Answers will vary.
Gift the team you think is the most quiet 25 points.
Anything you put online can be __________, _______________ and _________________.
3 things!
copied, shared, broadcast, sent to others - answers may vary slightly
100 points if you got 1 right
300 points if you got 2 right
What are 2 risks you might have if you post or say negative things online?
People could get a bad opinion about you, not get an opportunity you want, get kicked off a team, not get or lose a job, in trouble at school, in trouble with the police.
If you got this right gift another team 50 points
How can you be sure who you are talking to online if you do not know or have never met that person in real life? How can you be sure they are who they say they are?
Gift the team you think is the quietest 25 points if you got this correct.