Rule of law
Profiling/Big Data
What kind of government?
It is a strategy to deal with uncertainty caused by the fact that we do not know what the future will bring or how others will act
What is trust?
the state and citizens are bound by and act consistent with law
What is the legality principle?
compensation objective, innovation objective, sustainability objective
What are the three objectives of technology neutral law
when modern surveillance sorts people into categories, assigning worth or risk, in ways that have real effects on their life-chances
What is social sorting?
The new public management paradigm is very influential. citizens are clients. We aim at more cooperation between public and private actors. We focus on auditing, the production of information on performance, and online transparency.
What is eGovernment?
routine, reason and reflexivity
What are the elements trust is based upon?
it contributes to the force of law because not only are the people bound by it but they also consent to it
How are the rule of law and democracy related?
the underlying logic of the technological infrastructure determines the general make-up of both the society and the individual person that depend on this infrastructure
What is the autonomous theory of digital technologies?
a society that is dependent on ICTs for administrative and control processes
What is a surveillance society?
By bringing together the numberplate registration database, tax information and police records, we can detect fraud more easily.
What is iGovernment?
a rational decision
What is trust from a rational theory perception?
First states need to comply with existing laws. Second states need to maintain order and coordinate behavior among citizens
What are the two overall functions of the rule of law?
this obligation serves the need for technology specific legislation to ensure the objectives of technology neutral law
What advantage does the obligation to integrate data protection by design have?
it describes the rigidly controlled totalitarian state which regulated nearly every aspect of public and private behaviour
What does the big brother metaphor entail?
security and efficiency are the driving principles behind our policy-making.
What is iGovernment?
The actors are aware that there will be future interactions and that cheating will negatively influence them, they will be more inclined to act trustworthy.
What is "the shadow of the future"?
The concept points at new view of the world: from a world based on mechanic technologies—a mechanized, analogue world—to one that is characterized by digitization.The developments it includes have ethical and social implications and therefore also has an impact on the law. Requires not only new legal rules or interpretations of existing law, but above all a prudent reflection on the manner in which the law exists and hence the relationship between law, state, technology and society.
What is the computational turn?
discriminatory practices, (wrongful) decisions based on predictive policing, non-effectiveness of traditional privacy protections
What privacy problems does big data hold?
the characteristics of the welfare state that are indicative of the power of the state over the needy
What is soft sister?
Based on algorithms predicting where there likely will be crime, police patrol more often in certain parts of the city. the smart grid automatically regulates energy issues. By analysing health data, we can nudge people into a healthier life and redesign public spaces in such a way it helps citizens to make the right choices.
What is data-driven government?
As we have seen trust is a strategy to deal with the uncertainties in everyday life. On the vertical level, a society in which there is sufficient trust, people can cooperate, develop themselves and the things they care about (for example they can start a company or become a volunteer in their neighbourhood). In a society where there is trust among citizens, it is more likely people feel secure; moreover they rate their well being higher. When people trust each other interaction runs smooth.
Why is trust important to society?
Its is a networked digital world dictated by data in which added value is created based on immense amounts of data from which new knowledge is generated, for instance, by looking for patterns in data to point at a particular type of citizens that may be at risk (e.g. a child that lives in deprivation) or is a risk to society (e.g. criminals) in order to more easily identify those kinds of persons.
What is a data-driven environment?
notice, opportunity for a hearing, impartial adjudicator and judicial review,
What principles would big data due process hold?
transnationalization, digitization, and privatization
Which three processes have an impact on large-scale surveillance for national security purposes?
a step further than iGovernment. Policy is driven by data. We want to predict and focus not so much on why something happens (causality) but on the fact that something will happen (correlation). We nudge people into good behaviour. The environment is no longer passive but active
What is data-driven government?