What is the "homework gap"?
A disparity in at-home broadband that hinders millions of students’ access to the array of online learning, collaboration, and research tools enjoyed by their better-connected peers.
How many job postings are posted online?
Between 60 to 70 percent of all active job openings in any month are now posted online.
How many active users does Venmo have per year?
40 million
Around what percentage of students apply for college online?
What percentage of households that make below $30,000 a year lack internet?
1/3 of households that make below $30,000 a year lacks internet.
What percentage of American teachers assign homework that needs to be done online?
70 percent of American teachers assign homework that needs to be done online.
(90 percent of high schoolers say they have to do internet-based homework at least a few times a month. Nearly half of all students say they get such assignments daily or almost daily.)
How much does America lose in potential economic activity every day for every person that is not currently connected to the internet?
Every day that a person is not connected to the internet, America loses $2.16 of potential economic activity, which means that the digital divide currently costs our country over $130 million a day in economic activity.
What percentage of the world uses Amazon services actively?
How many colleges use the Common Application (an online application process) exclusively?
What percentage of Americans in rural areas and urban areas use the Internet?
69% of those in rural areas. 75% of those in urban areas.
What percentage of teens are unable to complete homework assignments via unequal access to digital devices and high-speed internet?
The unequal access to digital devices and high-speed internet prevents 50% of teens from completing their homework assignments.
How much will a job seeker with the internet make once they find a job compared to a job seeker without the internet?
An unemployed person who has the internet at home will be employed seven weeks faster than one who does not and will earn more than $5,000 in additional income annually, according to our analysis of 2015 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
How many hours does the average American use online every week?
What percentage of college students have problems maintaining access to effective technology?
What region of the United States has the lowest percentage of broadband access?
The South
What percentage of students say they received a lower grade because of their lack of computer and/or Internet access?
42% of students say they received a lower grade because of this disadvantage.
What percent of job holders feel they do not have access to sufficient technology in order to make their jobs easier?
69 percent of employees feel they do not have access to sufficient technology in order to make their jobs easier.
(63 percent of them believe the lack of technological mechanisms hinders their ability to develop new work skills.)
What percentage of people in America say they go online 'almost constantly'?
What percentage of community colleges reported that efforts to go 'all digital' with course materials was impeded by students not having access to digital devices?
How many releases came out on Netflix this month that people without access are unable to watch?
How many computers has Free Geek supplied to K-12 students in our Plug Into Portland program?
(Plug Into Portland is a program in which students are provided with computers after volunteering 24 hours at any nonprofit.)
340 Free Computers!
What percentage of new jobs created since 2010 required either high- or medium-level digital skills?
Roughly 66% of new jobs created since 2010 required either high- or medium-level digital skills, and some 4 million, or 30%, required highly digital skills.
What percentage of Americans primarily use digital banking?
What is one expense financial aid budgets do not calculate for college students?
The cost of a computer
How many emails are sent out daily?
235.6 billion