What is the name of the subject we are currently in?
Digital Awarness
When using a chromebook, we should ALWAYS pick it up as much as possible
False! Keep your chromebook on your desk!
How many students are in our Digital Awarness Class?
Do apples float or sink?
They float!
What is Mr. Toney favourite colour?
Baby Blue
What is the type of computer we use at Hopewell
We should always submit our assignments when finished
True! How else would Mr Toekneek be able to grade your work?
Yes or No: Has Digital Awarness helped you understand how to use a computer better?
Yes! Of course it has
Can some tornados be faster than racecars?
How many letters are in the word "Toeknee"
What "program" do we use to complete our assignments in?
Our Digital Awarness class falls on a Friday
False! Its Everyday Bro
What is Digital Literacy ?
-Digital literacy should be understood to mean the basic skill or ability to use a computer confidently, safely and effectively
What is hotter? A bolt of lightning or the sun?
A bolt of lightning!
What is Mr. Toeknee favorite animal?
What is a current issue on Digital Literacy
True or False: We learned how to share pics into google
What time does Digital awareness start?
8:31 am
How many hours are in a day on Neptune?
If Mr. Toeknee could be any animal in the jungle, which one would he be?
An Tiger
What are the three skills in digital litarcy
Commuunations and collaborations
Digital CitizenShip
It is important to always be respectful and polite when online or using the internet
how can you fix the current issues of Digital Literacy?
By using a trusted sources or doing multiple searches on the same topic to confirm your information
What were the very first animals in space?
Fruit flies
Who is the best teacher in the world?
Mr Toeknee