Media Analysis
Web Curation
Mass Collaboration
Tech Tools
Students who use email to produce, view, store, replicate, or transmit harassing, obscene or offensive materials are violating this.
What is the Student Handbook?
Media and media messages can influence these in a culture or society.
What are beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors and the democratic process?
This is the first Tech Tool we went over together as a class on web curation.
What is Netvibes?
This concept of media creation is central to the expansion of digital media.
What is media created by non-professionals?
This tool is the recommended audio recording, editing, and mixing tool for this class.
What is Audacity?
Using or sharing another students work, electronic or otherwise from this course or any other with anyone outside the class violates this document you signed on the first day of class.
What is the Confidentiality and Ethics Contract?
This is "constructed."
What is all media?
This is a person who displays information and creative works publicly.
What is a curator?
This concept is viewed as something that democratizes and equalizes digital media.
What is participation?
This term can extend or limit the transitions and length of time spent on an image, slide or video in Movie Maker.
What is Duration?
This is a license that must be on the creative work of another before you can share this work in class or publicly.
What is a Creative Commons License?
When viewing media you should make these about what you are seeing, using evidence from the work and what you know from your own experience.
What are logical guesses?
This is a web curation tool that uses a micro blogging site to gather information from specific individuals, organizations, or companies.
What is a Twitter list?
These are places were people go online to communicate with others, who they may or may not know in real life, as well as to build relationships and share thoughts.
What are virtual communities?
This short message tech tool is credited with starting revolutions, providing up to date information about events, entertaining students, and providing celebrity gossip.
What is Twitter?
To seek truth and report it, to minimize harm, to act independently and to be accountable are all part of this.
What is the Journalists Code of Ethics?
This concept explains how individuals "read," analyze, evaluate and interpret media messages in a variety of forms.
What is media literacy?
This is a format for delivering regularly changing web content.
What is an RSS feed?
This example of crowd mapping was used in Kenya during the elections.
What is Ushahidi?
This tech tool is only beginning to become participatory in Afghanistan, with call in questions and answers from their audiences.
What is television and radio?
This is required whenever you use the creative work of another to enhance or support your own work, including audio, images, video, and text.
What is attribution?
When media portrays a societies values, lifestyles, behaviors, and other cultural messages, this is happening in two directions, from that of the viewer and the creator.
What is media influence?
Name one Tech Tool not already mentioned in the game that is a Web Curation tool.
What is
In this example of mass collaboration, users log in, make accounts and post their expertise on specific topics. They may comment on other peoples posts or directly communicate with each other but most of their time is spent posting their own content or editing others' content.
What is Wikipedia?
This tech tool is thought by some, such as Clay Shirky, to be the next means of media transmission worldwide.
What is the Internet?