DOUBLE QUESTION - get both right!
Who are your two teachers?
Ms. Barbeau & Mr. Cerny
______ ______ is sound stored in a physical form.
Analog media
How many tracks does the DAW example have?
What is shown in this image?
A C Major scale
(ascending only)
What is tempo?
Relative fast or slowness, the 'speed' of music
What does DAW stand for?
A ________ is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals.
A synthesizer (or synth)
Is cycle mode on?
Cycle mode is the orange bar w/the circle and it loops specific measures
What is shown in this image?
A chord progression
(will accept three triads as an alternate answer)
What is binary form?
A two-part form
A - B
What makes a "quality" melody?
(at least 3 of the 5 characteristics)
What is digital music?
Music that has been converted into a digital signal / Music that is stored or played digitally.
(will take various answers)
What measure is the playhead at?
Measure 3
What is the correct audio for this rock beat?
Rock Beat ONE
What is melody?
a sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying, often repeated as a theme
(will take various answers)
What is the full title of this class? (from the syllabus)
Digital Music Production & Artistry
DOUBLE QUESTION - get both right!
What is amplitude?
What is pitch?
Amplitude = volume
Pitch = relative "high" or "lowness" of a sound
Which track is being recorded during this screenshot?
The flute track
What is the correct audio for this techno beat?
Techno Beat TWO
What is song form? (The order)
Intro - verse - chorus - verse - chorus - bridge - chorus 2x - outro
What does MIDI stand for?
Musical Instrument Digital Interface
What is MIDI? (not the abbreviation, the definition)
A communication standard that allows digital music gear to speak the same language (protocol between computers/instruments/hardware)
How many measures are shown in this screenshot?
Nine measures
What is the correct audio for this hip hop beat?
Hip Hop Beat TWO
What is the most common chord progression in pop songs?
I V vi IV