The active layer of the imaging plate in which the image is stored.
Phosphor layer
During indirect DR, before photons are converted to an electric signal, they must first be converted to:
The law healthcare professionals abide by that ensures patient health information is kept confidential.
A three-dimensional pixel is called a:
To retrieve the latent image from the imaging plate, it must be exposed to:
This is the material of choice for use as a scintillator because of the way the crystals form needles or columns to direct the light.
Cesium iodide (CsI)
Matrix size or fill factor
A networked group of computers, servers, and archives that can manage images in an electronic form.
Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)
This is what DICOM stands for:
Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine
A line-by-line pattern of reading by a laser is called a:
Raster pattern
The photo conductor used in direct conversion digital radiography to convert photons directly to an electrical signal.
Amorphous Selenium
A graph that is generated by dividing a scanned area into pixels and determining the signal intensity for each pixel is called a:
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)
This term determines the number of gray levels on a radiographic image.
bit depth
The device within the CR reader that detects the light emitted from the plate after laser reading is called:
Photomultiplier tube
TFT array that converts an electrical signal to a digital signal
Window level changes the level of:
Unnecessary increase of exposure to produce a quality image
Dose creep
A type of noise created on an image from an insufficient quantity of photons from improperly set mAs or kVp.
quantum mottle noise
The process of freeing trapped electrons from the imaging plate using a finely focused red laser is called:
Photostimulated Luminescence
In digital radiography, thin-film-transistors (TFTs) and charged coupled devices (CCDs) both have this in common.
They both collect and store the electrical charge which is then released to the ADC.
A type of local processing that amplifies or deletes all except the high frequencies for edge-enhancement and sharpness is called:
High-pass filtering
The size of an image file for a radiograph with a matrix of 512 X 512 with a 16-bit depth.
524,288 bytes or 524.288 kB
A measure of sensitivity and accuracy by which the image receptor converts incoming data to the viewing device.
Detective Quantum Efficiency (DQE)