What should you do if your friends are cyberbullying someone?
Speak up and keep your friends in check. Tell a trusted adult.
You are advised to set your social networking account to require your __________ before someone can see your full profile/page.
What is approval? or password
Give 3 examples of information or images that are NOT OK to post online:
pictures of fights, smoking, guns, insulting videos, your address and phone # (any 3)
Plagiarism means to copy and paste someone else work and call it your own. Another word for this is _____someone's work.
to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own, to use (another's production) without crediting the source, to commit literary theft
the right of the creator of a work to control how it is used (hint: the name of this category)
What is copyright?
What is cyberbullying? Explain briefly:
"Cyberbullying" is when someone is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by someone else using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. http://www.stopcyberbullying.org
What sort of screen names should you use during gaming/chatting?
fake names. Don't reveal your real name, address, or phone number.
List 2 reasons why people might post inappropriate messages or pictures?
to show off, to get attention, to be mean, they don't know it is inappropriate (any 2)
true or false: changing a couple words but copying most of the sentence without giving credit is considered plagiarism?
Can I use a picture here and there for school purposes?
Yes, but it always best to give the owner credit.
What is one action step you can take to protect yourself from cyber-bullies?
Keep a private profile/account so only people you trust can access & view your pictures & information. Never give out your password. Stop communicating right away with anyone who you feel is being a bully, block them, tell your parents--ACT!
how can posting online affect your future?
They can affect your college admissions, cause you to lose friends, lose respect, or affect your ability to get jobs. What goes on the Internet stays on the internet. It never goes away!
If you want to use another person's ideas or words, you do this to avoid plagiarizing.
Give them Credit
the owner of a copyrighted item (ex. the owner of a book is the____)
What is the author?
Name at least one difference between real life bullying and online/cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying can happen anywhere.
Cyberbullying can be anonymous.
Can have a larger audience when cyberbullying.
Bully can be smaller than victim in cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying is online or on the computer
True or False: posting a mean picture or saying about someone online is ILLEGAL.
What is -TRUE?
A picture message can be easily _____________ or ___________ to websites.
What is forwarded and posted/or shared. etc.?
Is putting it into your own words plagiarism?
No, but it is always better to give credit to the original author, even if you rephrase or put it in your own words.
Anyone who takes pictures, words, videos etc. without the copyright owner's permission is __________
stealing, theft, etc.
What is one action step could you take if you or a friend is being harassed or bullied online or through another form of technology?
Block the bully, change your phone number, delete your account, tell a parent or a trusted adult
How could someone go about finding you in the real world if you never tell them your address?
They can use information from your online conversation to locate you.
TRUE/False It is ok to post funny pictures of your friends on the internet without their permission.
plagiarism is a form of...
What is cheating/stealing/lying
It is a good idea to ask _______ or _________before borrowing someone else's work.