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General Grammar

“Ghosts of the Old Year” is an early 1900s poem by James Weldon Johnson. In the poem, the speaker describes experiencing an ongoing cycle of anticipation followed by regretful reflection: ______

Which quotation from “Ghosts of the Old Year” most effectively illustrates the claim?

a) “The snow has ceased its fluttering flight, / The wind sunk to a whisper light, / An ominous stillness fills the night, / A pause—a hush.” 

b) “And so the years go swiftly by, / Each, coming, brings ambitions high, / And each, departing, leaves a sigh / Linked to the past.”

c) “What does this brazen tongue declare, / That falling on the midnight air / Brings to my heart a sense of care / Akin to fright?” 

d) “It tells of many a squandered day, / Of slighted gems and treasured clay, / Of precious stores not laid away, / Of fields unreaped.”

B: “And so the years go swiftly by, / Each, coming, brings ambitions high, / And each, departing, leaves a sigh / Linked to the past.” 


In recommending Bao Phi’s collection Sông I Sing, a librarian noted that pieces by the spoken-word poet don’t lose their ______ nature when printed: the language has the same pleasant musical quality on the page as it does when performed by Phi. 

a) jarring

b) scholarly

c) melodic

d) personal

c) melodic


Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? (#14)

a) falling,

b) falling:

c) falling;

d) falling

d) falling


Reading fiction, cooking from scratch, and spending time in his garden is some of the ways Frank relaxes.


b) are

c) has been

d) was 

b) are


Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition? (#13)

a) in fact,

b) though,

c) therefore,

d) moreover,

b) though,


Which choice best states the main idea of the text? (#1)

a) Reds and browns are not commonly featured in most of Taylor’s rugs. 

b) In the Path of the Four Seasons is widely acclaimed for its many colors and innovative weaving techniques.

c) Taylor draws on local resources in the approach she uses to dye wool.

d) Taylor finds it difficult to locate Arizona dock root in the desert. 

c) Taylor draws on local resources in the approach she uses to dye wool.


As used in the text, what does the word “quality” most nearly mean? (#7)

a) Characteristic

b) Standard

c) Prestige

d) Accomplishment

a) Characteristic


Leonardo da Vinci, primarily celebrated for his masterpieces like the Mona Lisa, was not just a painter but also a dedicated scientist that enjoyed the study of ________ him to create detailed sketches of the human body, and proposing early concepts of the human biology.

a) anatomy; leading

b) anatomy. Leading

c) anatomy leading

d) anatomy, leading

d) anatomy, leading


The "Potsdam Gravity Potato" was designed by the German Research Center for Geosciences it maps variations in Earth's gravitational pull.


b) Geosciences, it maps

c) Geosciences and it maps

d) Geosciences; it maps

d) Geosciences; it maps


Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English? (#15)

a) Rabinal Achí tells the story of K’iche’ Achí, a military leader who

b) K’iche’ Achí, the military leader in the story of Rabinal Achí,

c) there was a military leader, K’iche’ Achí, who in Rabinal Achí

d) the military leader whose story is told in Rabinal Achí, K’iche’ Achí,

a) Rabinal Achí tells the story of K’iche’ Achí, a military leader who


Which choice most logically completes the text? (#5)

a) it is more important to understand how widespread prolonged deep sleep is than to understand its function.

b) prolonged deep sleep is likely advantageous in ways that have yet to be discovered

c) many traits that provide significant benefits for an animal also likely pose risks to that animal.

d) most traits perform functions that are hard to understand from an evolutionary standpoint.

b) prolonged deep sleep is likely advantageous in ways that have yet to be discovered


Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase? (#8)

a) reinforcing

b) anticipating

c) epitomizing

d) transcending

d) transcending


Winding through the ice atop Norway’s Jotunheim Mountains is the Lendbreen pass, an ancient route that was used by hunters, farmers, traders, and travelers in the Middle Ages before eventually falling into disuse. Recently, archeologists have ______ knives, horseshoes, wool tunics, and thousands of other artifacts from the icy pass. 

a) unearthed-

b) unearthed:

c) unearthed,

d) unearthed

d) unearthed


The poet Pablo Neruda was known for his powerful, deeply emotional poetry, but he also had a lighter side. One of his most famous odes is written in celebration of socks.


b) side one

c) side, one

d) side and one



Which choice best states the main purpose of the text? (#9)

a) It presents the study by O’Brien and Ahmed to critique the methods and results reported in previous studies of the effects of posture on cognition.

b) It argues that research findings about the effects of posture on cognition are often misunderstood, as in the case of O’Brien and Ahmed’s study.

c) It explains a significant problem in the emerging understanding of posture’s effects on cognition and how O’Brien and Ahmed tried to solve that problem.

d) It discusses the study by O’Brien and Ahmed to illustrate why caution is needed when making claims about the effects of posture on cognition.

d) It discusses the study by O’Brien and Ahmed to illustrate why caution is needed when making claims about the effects of posture on cognition.


Which finding from the model tests, if true, would most strongly support Gimsa and colleagues’ hypothesis? (#2)

a) The model with a sail took significantly longer to travel a specified distance while submerged than the model without a sail did. 

b) The model with a sail displaced significantly more water while submerged than the model without a sail did.

c) The model with a sail had significantly less battery power remaining after completing the tests than the model without a sail did.

d) The model with a sail took significantly less time to complete a sharp turn while submerged than the model without a sail did.

d) The model with a sail took significantly less time to complete a sharp turn while submerged than the model without a sail did.


Scientists previously thought that all electric eels belong to a single species, but a team of researchers led by zoologist C. David de Santana proved this idea wrong by ______ that there are in fact three distinct species of electric eels. 

a) requiring

b) demonstrating

c) complaining

d) pretending

b) demonstrating


Emperor Ashoka ruled the Maurya Empire in South Asia from roughly 270 to 232 BCE. He is known for enforcing a moral code called the Law of Piety, which established the sanctity of animal ______ the just treatment of the elderly, and the abolition of the slave trade. 

a) life;

b) life:

c) life

d) life,

d) life,


Although Samuel Clemens was a prolific journalist while using his given name, he became one of the most famous fiction writers of all time while using his pen name, Mark Twain.


b) name; he

c) name he

d) name. He



The student wants to emphasize a similarity between the two works. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal? (#12)

a) Erasure (2008) uses discarded objects such as audiocassette tapes and magnets; Home Grown (2009), however, includes pushpins, plastic plates and forks, and wood.

b) Like many of Tubbs’s sculptures, both Erasure and Home Grown include discarded objects: Erasure uses audiocassette tapes, and Home Grown uses plastic forks.

c) Tubbs’s work, which often features discarded objects, has been shown both within the United States and abroad.

d) Tubbs completed Erasure in 2008 and Home Grown in 2009.

b) Like many of Tubbs’s sculptures, both Erasure and Home Grown include discarded objects: Erasure uses audiocassette tapes, and Home Grown uses plastic forks.


Which choice most effectively uses data from the table to complete the example? (#4)

a) 82% of participants believe that it is somewhat or very likely that a robot could work effectively as a tour guide, but only 16% believe that it is somewhat or very likely that a robot could work as a surgeon.

b) 47% of participants believe that it is somewhat or very likely that a robot could work effectively as a teacher, but 37% of respondents believe that it is somewhat or very unlikely that a robot could do so.

c) 9% of participants were neutral about whether a robot could work effectively as a television news anchor, which is the same percent of participants who were neutral when asked about a robot working as a surgeon.

d) 62% of participants believe that it is somewhat or very unlikely that a robot could work effectively as a firefighter.

a) 82% of participants believe that it is somewhat or very likely that a robot could work effectively as a tour guide, but only 16% believe that it is somewhat or very likely that a robot could work as a surgeon.


The Iguazu Falls, which lie on the border between Argentina and Brazil, are a popular and ______ tourist destination. The waterfalls have been visited by people from all over the world for over a century, and they are often cited as one of the most impressive natural wonders on Earth.

a) fleeting

b) revered

c) obscure

d) precarious

b) revered


When particles are suspended in liquid (like pollen in a water glass), they will zigzag randomly through the liquid and collide with one another in perpetuity. This type of random, continuous ______ is known as Brownian motion, can be observed throughout the natural world.

a) movement: which

b) movement which

c) movement, which

d) movement. Which

c) movement, which


Amerigo Vespucci is the namesake of both North and South America, nevertheless, many people do not know his discovery overturned Christopher Columbus’s claim that Brazil and the West Indies formed the eastern outskirts of Asia.


b) America; nevertheless,

c) America nevertheless

d) America, nevertheless-

b) America; nevertheless,


Based on the texts, how would Cáceres and colleagues (Text 2) most likely describe the view of the theorists presented in Text 1? (#11)

a) It is largely correct, but it requires a minor refinement in light of the research team’s results.

b) It is not compelling as a theory regardless of any experimental data collected by the research team.

c) It may seem plausible, but it is not supported by the research team’s findings.

d) It probably holds true only in conditions like those in the research team’s study.

c) It may seem plausible, but it is not supported by the research team’s findings.