How much sleep should you aim to get a night?
6-8 hours
How much time should you leave between bed and strenuous exercise?
2 hours
What stands in the way of eating healthy? How do we overcome these challenges?
- finances
- meal prep time
- allergies
What do you do to reboot your energy?
Possible answers:
- exercise
- nap
- snack
What are helpful methods to get ready for bed?
- Have a routine!
- Have a fixed bedtime and awaking time
- Light snack (milk and foods high in tryptophan such as bananas)
- Relaxation Techniques: yoga, deep breathing, PMR,
- Others?
What stands in the way of daily exercise? How can we push past these obstacles?
Possible answers:
- Not enough time
- Gym memberships are expensive
- Injury/chronic pain
What are the five main food groups?
Protein, Fruits and Veggies, Fats and sugars, Carbohydrates/Grains
What breathing techniques do you use currently?
- breathing meditation
- box breathing
- finger breathing
What is your sleeping environment? What are possible elements that create a pleasant sleeping environment?
Possible answers:
- block distracting noise, comfortable bedding/bed, having a cool bedroom/comfortable temperature, reserving the bed for sleep only
What are daily exercises you could engage in?
Possible answers:
- Taking stairs instead of elevator
- Daily walks
- Small exercise during commercial breaks
- Parking further away from the store
- Stretching
What do you know about portion sizes?
When do you notice yourself becoming fatigued or run down?
Examples from the group
What should you do if you cannot sleep? Or wake up in the middle of the night?
- If you don't fall asleep in 15-30 minutes, get up and go into another room until sleepy
- If you awake in the middle of the night and cannot get back to sleep for 15-30 minutes, same thing: do not remain in bed. Take a bath, read, or engage in another quiet activity until sleepy.
- Do not participate in challenging or engaging activities such as housework and TV.
How much time should we devote to exercise?
30 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week. Smaller amounts (10-15 minutes at a time) can also make a difference.
What could a healthy menu for the day look like?
*Is this realistic?
How do you notice your energy is depleting in your mind? In your body?
Mind: difficulty remembering or processing information, not thinking clearly, feeling "foggy"
Body: body feels heavy, vision may not be as sharp, etc.
What stands in the way of getting enough sleep? What can we do about it?
Multiple examples including:
- mental health diagnoses (depression, schizophrenia, anxiety etc.)
- stress throughout the day
- caffeine, alcohol, and heavy, spicy, or sugary foods
How can we stay motivated to be active?
- Notice what you enjoy doing
- Set realistic goals
- Don't think of it as a chore or another "should" in life, view it as a tool.
- Pay attention to how your efforts make you feel (before, during, and after the activity)
- Reward yourself for success!
- Share efforts with someone else in the same boat
Who can you talk to about help with healthy eating and nutrition?
Your doctor knows your needs best, understands what you may be lacking.
What are other ways you physically nurture your body besides sleep, exercise, and proper nutrition?
Answers from group.