Is Haumea the only dwarf planet that is a oval and not a sphere?
the universe consist of _ trillion stars and things across it
what does the multiverse diagram reassemble?
the 4 levels of the multiverse
the metaverse is ___._ QN
Who makes newborn universes, multiverses, metaverses, etc
what is bigger than TGA
Shapely supercluster
what is the multiverse equation?
N = R X Fp X ne X Fe X Fi X Fc X L
what does the metaverse diagram reassemble
size comparison
There are 2 gods of the xenoverse, who are they?
3 headed depara and Xenoversus
where do the newborn xenoverses come from
the megaverse
How many planets will there be in the future
depends on how long they exist or fade away
name the 4 levels of the multiverse
low, middle, complex, high complex
what does the xenoverse diagram reassemble
it's life cycle
the xenoverse is 3.43 _______
when archversus creates xenoverses, what is the exact number of xenoverses pumped into the hyperverse each day or year?
Are there Hypernova/Gamma ray burst remnant nebulae?
yes, both have different types of remnants
and which part of the multiverse is our universe in?
middle or low
What are 3 types of diagrams
Levels, Size and Life
According to the metaverse diagram, what can we learn from sizing up in size
the xenoverse is bigger than the metaverse
what is the name of the dimensional comet?
Post collision particle
what are the 3 types of nova
supernovae, hypernovae and GRB
is there a edge of the multiverse
which diagram actually looks factical
Xenoversal Life Cycle
what is beyond the xenoverse?
what can we learn from the life cycle of the xenoverse?
as times go by, we get older