This dimension of health has to do with how well your body is working. It includes things like exercise, diet, sleep, & hygiene.
Physical Health
Where you live would fall into what dimension of health?
Environmental Health
How many dimensions of health are there according to what we learned?
True or False
It is possible for one dimension of health to affect another dimension
What is Health?
Health is the overall condition of a person (beyond being sick or not sick) referring to the total well-being of an individual.
Feelings, moods, thoughts, coping skills, and self confidence have to do with this dimension of health.
Mental & Emotional Health
If you have a love for learning, being creative, and believing you can grow you probably have a high what?
Intellectual Health
What is a wellness wheel a representation of?
Its a visual representation of your life with each wedge symbolizing a core area of your life.
Getting at least 8+ hours of sleep might have what effect on your mental & emotional health?
Better mood, happier, less groggy
A cowboy ride into town on Friday, stayed there for 4 days and 3 nights, then left on Friday. How is this possible?
What dimension of health deals with money, spending, and saving?
Financial Health
Describe what it means to have good Social Health.
- Healthy relationships with friends & family
- Being a good friend to others
- Being kind and loyal
- Having positive interactions with others
Why is the wellness wheel round instead of square or some other shape?
The wheel is symbolic because the more balanced our wheel, the smoother it will roll. The more uneven the wedges, the bumpier the ride.
Losing your job might affect what dimensions of health?
Mental & Emotional
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
The letter "m"
What dimension of health do you think of when you hear the words job, career, or work?
Occupational Health
A persons values, morals, and beliefs fall into what dimension of health?
Spiritual Health
What dimension of health should we focus on improving the most?
To reach a high level of health and happiness, a person needs to intentionally strengthen ALL wedges of their wellness wheel
Give an example of when one dimension of health could effect another.
Ex. Not getting enough sleep (physical) might make you angry or grumpy (mental & emotional)
Ex. Getting fired (occupational) might affect your financial health
I have two coins totaling 15 cents. One of them is NOT a nickel. What are they?
A nickel and a dime ("one" of them isn't a nickel)
What dimensions of health were effected by having a 3 day weekend with Labor Day?
Mental & Emotional
Pick any dimension of health and give an example of how you could improve that dimension.
When you completed you own personal wellness wheels there were only 6 dimensions of health. What 2 dimensions were left off?
Occupational & Environmental
Give an example of how one dimension of health might affect 3 other dimensions of health.
Ex. Losing a loved one might affect your social health, your mental & emotional health, and your physical health.
A truck driver is going opposite traffic on a one-way street. A police officer sees him but doesn't stop him.Why didn't the police officer stop him?