Social Wellness
Physical Wellness
Emotional Wellness
Intellectual Wellness
Occupational Wellness

People who maintain their __________ and support systems do better under stress.

What is Social Network?


A physically healthy behavior that refers to being, and staying active, for at least 1/2 hour most days of the week.

What is Exercise?


Ability to be aware of and accept our feelings, rather than deny them, have an optimistic approach to life, and enjoy life despite its occasional disappointments and frustrations.

What is Emotional Wellness?


The definition of this healthy intellectual behavior is the accumulation of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught.

What is Learning?


Having a _________ room/desk/locker/office can aid in your environmental wellness.

What is Clean/Neat?


An outgoing, socially confident person.

What is an Extrovert?


The two parts of physical wellness.

What is Nutrition & Exercise?


This word is often used to describe the characteristic of being/staying positive & looking at situations in life in a "glass half full" kind of way.

What is Optimism?


 The act or action of grasping with the intellect. 

An important intellectual skill. 

What is Comprehension?


The state of being happy with your profession, job, or career.

What is Occupational/Job Satisfaction?


Someone who enjoys time to themselves and doesn't need much social interaction.

What is an Introvert?


Smoking and also ______ ______smoking is very harmful to your health.

What is Second Hand?


A person who tends to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.

What is a Pessimist?


Having a mind firmly unreceptive to new ideas or arguments: It's hard to argue with, much less convince . 

Considered a bad character trait.

What is being Closed-minded?


The ability to find the middle ground between professional and leisure time

What is Work-Life Balance?


This skill refers to someone who can maintain their anger & can process aggressive/negative feelings in a healthy, effective way.

What is Anger Management?


A _______ ____ provides the body with essential nutrition: fluid, macronutrients, micronutrients, and adequate calories.

What is a Healthy Diet?


Feeling good about one's self, having confidence in your own self worth or abilities. Having a healthy level of self-respect.

What is Self-esteem?


A healthy intellectual behavior that includes one's willingness to consider new ideas, maintain an unprejudiced mind-set, be respectful of others differences.

What is being Open-minded?


The ability to use one's time effectively or productively, especially at work.

What is Time Management?


The successful conveying of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. 

An important social skill.

What is Communication?


Stress can be positive (eustress) or negative (_________).

What is Distress?


A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. 

A trait that can be reduced by taking care of overall wellness.

What is Anxiety?


Two factors that shape intelligence.

What is Heredity/Genetics and Environment?


Blood tests and physical or fitness assessments related to the employee's occupation.

What is Occupational Health Screening?