
Practicing gratitude every day is the easiest way to improve emotional wellness. What are THREE things you are grateful for?

Pets, nature, friends, video games, music...

Learning something new broadens your knowledge and helps round you out as a person. What is something new you've learned recently, OR something you want to start learning?

learning about a school subject, a new recipe, learning a skating trick, a fact about someone you know, world news...


Finding people who you like to spend time with helps us feel like we belong. What are TWO characteristics of a supportive person?

Good listeners, good company, give us advice or space when we need it, make us laugh, recognize when they're wrong and apologize, etc. 


What's a conspiracy theory you 100% believe in? (birds aren't real, moon landing was fake, etc.) WHY?

You get the points depending on how well you can defend your argument. (just kidding)


Nutrition is something that might be hard to improve, especially when you're not in control of what food gets bought at home/given at school. If you could change anything about your diet, what would it be? 

More fresh ingredients (veg/fruit), better taste, better balance of healthy vs 'junk' food, better access to more food in general, less processed food, etc. 


Focusing on the present, rather than worrying about the future or staying in the past, is one way to reduce anxiety and regret. What is one good thing going on in your life right now?

Doing well in school, staying on top of coursework, spending time with friends, enjoying the weather, discovered new tv/music...


Personal interests are a form of taking care of yourself intellectually. What is something you enjoy doing, and how does it impact your life?

video games, sports, music, art, school -- give you an outlet from life, fun, socializing, etc. 


What is the difference between joking, teasing, and bullying?

Joking - not about anyone in particular, usually a story with a punchline

Teasing - good-natured and playful, about someone there in person, they also think it's funny and might tease back

Bullying - about someone who may or may not be there in person, doesn't stop even when the target shows discomfort/says to stop


What are TWO values/beliefs/principles that are important to you? (Ex: lying is wrong)

Respect people's identity, treat others the way you want to be treated, be true to yourself, go with the flow, serve others, never stop learning, vegetarianism, take care of your body, etc.


Physical activity - how do you/your school make exercise fun? If you don't like to exercise, what would you change to make it enjoyable?

sports/games, running/jogging, competition, rewards, etc. 

getting less sweaty/feeling tired, doing it alone instead of in front of peers, etc. 


Anxiety is a very common emotion, especially in middle school. What is a situation that gives you anxiety and why?

Answers will vary--as long as you answered it SERIOUSLY you will get the points ;)


Scenario: You want to start a YouTube channel but don't know where to begin. What are some skills you might already have that can help you, and what else can you do to find the necessary information?

Skills: knowledge of camera/filming, posting on social media, know what topics to record, etc.

You can find tutorials online and research algorithm techniques to get better views/followers. 


Being able to control your emotions and not use violence (i.e. throw hands) with others shows a high social intelligence. Would you say you struggle with this? Why/why not?

Be serious with your answer to get the points. For an extra 150 points: if you struggle with not fighting others, what do you wish you could do instead?

*Other teams can give up to 1 suggestion/advice for 100 extra points!


Nature is a GREAT way to get in touch with the environment and feel at peace. What is your favorite sound that you hear in nature?

Leaves rustling in the wind, birds chirping, rain, dogs barking, running water, etc. 

Other teams can earn up to 50 points if they share their favorite sounds too


How much sleep do people your age need? 

8-10 HOURS

For an extra 100 points, why is sleep important? 


Having an emotional outlet is important to manage difficult emotions. What is one way you express your emotions in a HEALTHY way?

art, music, exercise, writing, cooking

Memorize this image in 15 seconds.

How many trees were there?

Other teams can STEAL the 400 points if the original team gets it wrong!


Friendships can be challenging and complicated. What is a time where you and a friend had a falling out? Is there anything you would have done differently?

If you haven't cut off a friend--when is a time where you and a friend/loved one have argued, and how did you deal with the situation?


What do you do when someone has different beliefs than you? 

You respect them, maybe not choosing to discuss those beliefs to prevent conflict, as long as their beliefs are not harming anyone. 


Screen time -- everyone on the team pull up their screen time. Are we okay with these numbers? Why/Why not?

For an extra 50 points--what are you doing to reduce your screen time? 


Self-esteem is a skill that takes practice and repetition. What's something you like about yourself?

sense of humor, taste in music, creative, sporty, good sibling/family member/friend, personality, good looking...

Other teams can earn up to 200 points if EVERYONE on the team says something--but it has to be different!!!

Having deep discussions with friends, family, and peers also helps develop your sense of self. What is a topic you don't often get to talk about but wish you could?

mental health, anxieties and fears, meaning of life, importance of ___, relationships...


Finding things in common with someone new helps build a connection. Pick someone in this room you don't know well and find something you both like or dislike (music/artist, tv show, school/teacher, etc.)

sorry if that was awkward lol but YAY 500 points


Learning about beliefs different than your own helps us become more understanding, accepting, and open-minded. What is a belief you don't know very well but you are curious to learn about why people believe it? Don't overthink it!!!!

(Can be simple: veganism, conspiracy theory, a certain hot take, etc.)


Everyone knows smoking and vaping is bad for your physical health. How do nicotine and/or marijuana affect your MENTAL health?

- increases anxiety

- addictive, hard to quit, lowers self-esteem

- can lose friendships OR having toxic friends can encourage you to do it (ie they don't care about your health)

- adults can find out and give you negative attention (disappointed in you/angry at you, get in trouble, school/police are called)

- it literally changes the structure of your brain permanently

- being addicted to a piece of plastic is also just super cringe