Dimensions of Wellness
Health skills
Goal Setting
Habit 1
Habit 2

the absence of disease and injury is included 

La ausencia de enfermedad y lesión está incluida.

What is physical health


when making a decision to purchase something or change a behavior what is the first skill you should use?

¿Cuál es la primera habilidad que debes usar al tomar una decisión de comprar algo o cambiar un comportamiento?

What is Accessing Information?


The S in SMART Goal

La S en la meta SMART.

What is Specific?


Using a statement to say how YOU feel about something.

Usar una declaración para expresar cómo te sientes acerca de algo.

What is an I-Statement?


A goal that is Time-bound should have what?

Un objetivo que es con límite de tiempo, ¿debe tener qué?

An end date


What is Spiritual Wellness?

¿Qué es el bienestar espiritual?

Faith, curiosity about the meaning of life, and/or purpose


people or things outside yourself that impact decision making

Personas o cosas fuera de ti que impactan la toma de decisiones.


What is external influences


What does Achievable mean in SMART Goals?

¿Qué significa Alcanzable en las metas SMART?

Challenging but possible


Proactive people make choices based on their blank...

Las personas proactivas toman decisiones basadas en sus...

What is Values?


What does it mean to "begin with the end in mind"?

¿Qué significa "comenzar con el fin en mente"?

Think about a clear goal and how to achieve it


a person's mood, ability to recognize, express feelings and control emotional reactions

El estado de ánimo de una persona, su capacidad para reconocer, expresar sentimientos y controlar las reacciones emocionales.

What is Emotional Wellness?


When accessing information always make sure your source is?

Cuando accedas a información, siempre asegúrate de que tu fuente sea ¿?

What is credible?


Is this an example of a SMART goal?

"I will have good grades this school year."

¿Es este un ejemplo de una meta SMART?

"Tendré buenas calificaciones este año escolar."

What is No


He made me so mad, it's her fault I failed, I couldn't help myself is an example of

"Me hizo enojar tanto, es su culpa que fallé, no pude evitarlo" es un ejemplo de:

What is Reactive Language?


What sport did I compare to Habit 2?

¿Qué deporte comparé con el Hábito 2?

Rock Climbing


ability to make and maintain meaningful relationships

Capacidad para hacer y mantener relaciones significativas.

What is social health?


There are external and internal ones of these

Hay externos e internos de estos.

What are Influences?


What part of SMART is missing? I will read thirty novels by the end of this month.

¿Qué parte de SMART falta? Leeré treinta novelas para finales de este mes.

What is not achievable?


Proactive people do the right thing, even when _____ is looking.

Las personas proactivas hacen lo correcto, incluso cuando _____ está mirando.

No one


All things are created twice, where and where?

Todas las cosas se crean dos veces, ¿dónde y dónde?

What is the mind and in the physical?


using your brain, continuing to learn

Usar tu cerebro, seguir aprendiendo.

What is Intellectual Health?


To find good __________________ one must ask questions like who, what, why and where.

Para encontrar buenas __________________ se deben hacer preguntas como quién, qué, por qué y dónde.

What is Information 


What is the concept of 'beginning with the end in mind' in personal growth?

¿Cuál es el concepto de "comenzar con el fin en mente" en el desarrollo personal?

Picture the outcome before starting a task, make sure your choices move you closer to that goal


You are at a movie that was supposed to start 30 minutes ago. How do you handle it?

Estás en una película que se suponía que comenzaría hace 30 minutos. ¿Cómo lo manejas?

What is kindly ask for a refund?


"Begin with the End in Mind" states “I have a goal….

"Comienza con el fin en mente" dice: "Tengo un objetivo..."

How am i going to get there