Relationship Wellness
Physical Wellness
Emotional Wellness
Spiritual Wellness
Financial Wellness

This skill involves using your ears & is an important part of maintaining healthy, respectful relationships and having good communication skills.

What are listening skills?

A physically healthy behavior that refers to being, and staying active, for at least 1/2 hour most days of the week...
What is exercise?

Stress can be _______ or negative. 

What is positive 


A cognitive skill, usually developed through meditation, of focusing your attention on the contents of your own mind in the present moment.

What is mindfulness


True or false: Saving to buy a new cell phone is an example of a short-term financial goal. 

What is true. 


This skill refers to someone who can control their anger and process aggressive or negative feelings in a healthy, non-hurtful way.

What is anger management or self-control or self-discipline


Avoiding the over use of these three chemicals or substances will help improve or maintain your level of physical wellness.

What are drugs, alcohol, & tobacco?

Parents or guardians are among the most important _______ for their children.

What are role models. 


True or False: Spiritual Wellness is only religion.

What is false.


True or false: Tracking expenses, paying down debt, and building an emergency savings fund are examples of budgeting. 

What is true. 

When someone is able to complete tasks they have committed to and can do things in a timely manner, it is referred to as...?
What is time-management?

Three ways you can maintain or improve your physical health.

Answers will vary


Three things that can help you express or work through your emotions in a healthy way.

Answers will vary, but may include: creating, art, music, journaling, yoga, fitness, outdoors, etc.!


List three things that someone can participate in that might help improve their feelings of spiritual wellness. 

Examples: read more (books, articles, etc.), listen to podcasts, get outside in nature, do art, write or journal, practice yoga, pray, smudge, develop and maintain a spiritual practice that's meaningful to you, attend a religious service that speaks to you, etc. 



List two ways you can save money?

Examples: sticking to a budget, buying second-hand or borrowing instead of buying, etc. 


The limits and rules we set for ourselves within relationships. 

What are boundaries 


Three benefits of physical exercise.

Answers will vary


Feeling good about one's self, having confidence in your own self worth or abilities...having a healthy level of called what?

What is self-esteem or self-acceptance


A healthy intellectual behavior that includes one's willingness to consider new ideas, maintain an unprejudiced mind-set, be respectful of others' differences, etc.

What is open-minded. 


Give an example of a long-term financial goal. 

Answers will vary, but may include: saving a down payment for a car or a home, planning and saving for further education, for a holiday, etc. 


Five important elements of healthy relationships.

What is Communication, Trust, Boundaries, Honesty, Independence, Compromise, Acceptance, Intimacy, Safety, Vulnerability, Empathy, Affection, Commitment, Respect, Equality, Quality time, Loyalty, Being supportive/supported, Mutual understanding 


Four elements of physical wellness 

Answers will vary, may include: Heart health, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, strength, & physical activity, sleep, healthy eating, etc. 


Name three sources of help for a person going through a hard time. 

Answers will vary, but may include: family members, parents, friends, doctors, therapists, counsellors, support workers 


DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! NO question and....


List three ways to improve financial wellbeing. 

Answers will vary, but may include: creating a budget, saving and investing, planning for long-term goals