Social Wellness
Physical Wellness
Emotional Wellness
Intellectual Wellness
Occupational Wellness
This skill is most often done using your ears & is just as important in maintaining a healthy level of social wellness as having good communication skills...
What are listening skills?
A physically healthy behavior that refers to being, and staying active, for at least 1/2 hour most days of the week...
What is exercise?
When someone can efficiently complete necessary tasks and/or other obligations they have committed to in a time manner, it is called what?
What is time management?
A popular math "game" that is enjoyable AND helps enhance one's intellectual wellness!
What is Sudoku?
The ability to find the middle ground between professional and leisure time
What is work life balance?
Surrounding yourself with trusting and honest people.
What is being a Friend?
Avoiding the use of these THREE chemicals/substances will help improve or maintain your level of physical wellness...
What are drugs, alcohol, & tobacco?
This word is often used to describe the characteristic of being/staying positive & looking at situations in life in a "glass half full" kinda way...
What is optimism?
A healthy intellectual behavior that includes one's willingness to consider new ideas, maintain an unprejudiced mind-set, be respectful of others differences, etc is call what?
What is being open-minded?
A non-profit after-school and year round Enrichment program that has a literacy component
What is Project Transformation North Texas?
When someone is able to complete tasks they have committed to and can do things in a timely manner, it is referred to as...?
What is time-management?
List TWO ways you can be physically safe & healthy when participating in motor-vehicle activities (driving/riding in a car, etc)...?
What are wearing your seatbelt & Not texting?
This word is often used to describe the characteristic of having a mostly negative outlook on things & looking at situations in life in a "glass half empty" kinda way...
What is a pessimist?
List THREE behaviors someone can participate in that would help improve their intellectual wellness...?
Examples: read more (books, newspapers, etc.), learn a foreign language, crossword puzzles, play Chess, etc.
The state of being happy with your profession, job, or career?
What is occupational/ job satisfaction?
This unhealthy characteristic refers to only being concerned with oneself & can often have a negative effect their social wellness.
What is being self-centered?
This "official" term refers to living an inactive lifestyle and/or getting little to no exercise....
What is a sedentary lifestyle?
Feeling good about ones's self, having confidence in your own self worth or abilities...having a healthy level of called what?
What is self-esteem?
The definition of this healthy intellectual behavior is the accumulation of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught.
What is learning?
Someone who enjoys time to themselves and doesn't need much social interaction.
What is an introvert?
Know thyself, don't blame or criticize, practice self-care, own up on your part, don't be a flake, rekindle old friendships, appreciate yourself and others.
What are the 7 Tips to Social Wellness?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! NO question and....