Who fell on top of me in 4th grade
What do I order in KFC
number 9 with fries
Who is my favorite Minecraft Youtuber
Finish the sentence,baka...
The anime charecter I hate
Who was my favorite teacher in middle school
My Reading teacher
What food am I mabye alergic too (still not 100% sure if Im actully alergic)
What is my favorite fast food place
What Roblox game did I play 24/7 in my Oreoswirld account
Natual Disasters
Because of my fear,what do I hate the most
What is my least favorite subject
One of my Roblox accounts is [blank]areyummy
Who is my favorite Youtuber
What was the first Roblox game I ever played
Angry Birds Obby
What Melanie Martinez song do I love and hate at the same time
Strawberry Shortcake
Who was my least favorite teacher in 7th grade
My math teacher
The only type of pizza I have eaten
Cheese pizza with WAY too much sause
What is my favorite food
How did I get my yt channel name
Pedro Pony + Anix = Ponix
I am short so I hate it when...
People use me as an arm rest
What class did I wanted to get in middle school but instead they replaced it with spanish
At resterants I eat...
chicken nuggets with fries
What is my number 1 favorite Roblox game
Royale High
Where do I spend 99% of my time
Doc Mcstuffins Sofa/Couch
The only people shorter than me are...
pre-schoolers (even kindergardeners are taller than me)