Spell the month that starts with the "Au" diphthong?
Word families are words that have the same _______ at the end of a word.
Letters & sound. Example-- Rake, Fake, Quake.
True or False: "Oi" and "Oy" are pronounced the same.
The digraph "gh" can make 3 sounds depending on the word. Name 1 of them.
/f/, /g/ or silent.
Spell the synonym for yell that starts with "sh"
Sky, Rubble and Marshall are all popular characters in what cartoon that has the "aw" diphthong in it?
Paw Patrol
True or false: Write, Spite, and Kite are all in the same word family
True. They all end in "ite"
Spell: Ariel loses what in the movie The Little Mermaid?
What sound does the "gh" make in the word laugh?
It makes the /f/ sound.
What is a synonym for dollar bills with the "sh" digraph in it? Spell it.
True or False: "Au" and "Aw" are pronounced the differently.
True or False: Rake, Rate, and Rabbit are in the same word family
False. Word Families have the same ending letters and sounds.
Is this word spelled correctly? Choyce. If not- spell it.
No. Choice.
What sound does the "gh" make in the word dough?
It is silent.
Write a sentence using the word fish using proper spelling and punctuation.
Answers vary.
Crab hands are called what? Spell it.
Silent "e" has many jobs in a word. What are two of them?
Makes the vowel say its name
Makes c and g soft
Keeps i, u, & e from being the last letter
Shows that a word is not plural
Adds vowel to c + le syllable
Makes TH says its voiced sound
Clarifies the meaning of words
Correctly spell one word with the digraph "gh"
Answers vary.
True. Example: Character.
Spell the word __________.
Answers vary.
A popular Disney/Pixar cartoon movie with the diphthong "oy" in one of the words in the title.
Toy Story
What sound does the "gh" make in the word ghost?