Explain the ABC Model.
our emotions and behaviors (C: Consequences) are not directly determined by life events (A: Activating Events), but rather by the way these events are cognitively processed and evaluated (B: Beliefs)
A drug/alcohol treatment program offering a standardized 30 day curriculum for every client.
Program-Driven Plan
The goal of this intervention is to enhance the individual or family's ability to cope with life stressors and enhance their well being.
Problem Solving
Name 2 functioning and wellness screening tools.
Genogram, Eco-map, Social Network Map, Suicide Risk Assessment,
Making self-critical or other-critical statements that include terms like never, nothing, everything, or always.
When an antecedent event triggers a thought it's called
Automatic Thoughts
True or False - Change plans are developed individually
False - Change plans are developed and implemented collaboratively.
List two psychoeducational approaches?
Peer advocates, parent leaders, online psychoeducational modules, multiple family psychoeducation program
Name at least 3 areas to explore during a diagnostic interview: DSM 5
- why the person is seeking therapy
- listening to their story
- explore history of present illness, past psychiatric history, and safety concerns
- Past medical history
- Mental status exam
- Checking in that you covered the major concerns
- Cultural definitions
Blowing expected consequences out of proportion in a negative direction
Name 3 negative core beliefs with counter (more adaptive) beliefs.
I am responsible (I can recognize appropriate responsibility)
I am bad (I can accept myself/I can learn from my mistakes)
I am trapped (I can control what I can)
Clients road map for directing services should be rigid and not allow opportunities to change.
False - should be flexible. There are no specific rules or guidelines.
Name 3 roles of a mental health case manager.
Providing direct support, engaging in crisis management, providing short term treatment, enabling, teaching and mediating situations, advocating for client, coordinating services, tracking implementation,
Define what trauma is?
Trauma includes physical, sexual and institutional abuse, neglect, intergenerational trauma, and disasters that induce powerlessness, fear, recurrent hopelessness, and a constant state of alert.
Because you feel a certain way, reality is seen as fitting that feeling.
Feelings are facts
What is teaching clients practical skills that help minimize the distress or consequences of thoughts and behaviors called?
Skills Training
Name the 5 components when creating a goal for your client.
A SMART approach - specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time bound.
What does SSTA stand for?
Stop, Slow down, Think and Act
List 5 steps involved in completing suicide risk assessment.
1. Identify risk factors
2. identify protective factors
3. Conduct suicide inquiry
4. Determine risk level/intervention
5. Document
Holding self responsible for an outcome that was not completely under one’s control.
Role play is considered what type of training?
Social Skills Training
This issue must always be given immediate consideration when delivering social work services.
What must happen for the fit map process to create positive change?
apply collaboration and facilitation skills but also all systems involved are empowered to participate in this change.
Why is it important to complete a Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual History?
Making negative assumptions regarding other people’s thoughts and motives.
Mind Reading