Front Light/ Highlight & Shadow
Side Light
Neutral Axis Approach

True or False 

Backlight separates Actors from the background



True or False: 

The front light is ALWAYS 0 Degrees from the actor 


If the front light is 0 degrees from the actor it would wash out facial feature, making it hard to read the actors expressions. 


True or False 

Top Light tends to squash the actor



True or False 

The amount of surface area hit with side light is considerably greater than with back light.



True or False:

The Neutral Axis Approach requires: 

  • 1- flat front light,

  • 1 fixture from 75-90 degrees either side (but not more than 90)

  • 1 back light


The Neutral Axis Approach requires: 

  • 1- flat front light,

  • 1 fixture from 75-90 degrees either side (but not more than 90)

  • 1 back light


True or False 

Low Side Lighting  is used very commonly by dance lighting, it is used to “sculpt” the figures of dancers.  


Low Side Lighting is used very commonly by dance lighting, it is used to "scuplt" the figure of the dancers


Front Light from Below is Called 

A. Below Lights 

B. Shoe Lights 

C. Foot Lights 

D. Ground Lights 

C. Foot Lights 


Early Broadway theaters did not have ______ to light actors as McCandless suggested

A. Catwalks 

B. Fly System 

C. Lighting Rig 

A. Catwalks


Low sides hit from __°-___°. 

A. 30, 40

B. 0,50


D. 5,10

C. 0°-30°. 


What is the Neutral Axis Approach: 

A. 45 degrees out from the face, and 45 degrees up yields the most natural lighting

B. To fill the shadows created by lighting from these steep angles, the designers filled with a 3rd light at a low angle, straight on.

C. 45 degree angles leave large diagonal pools of light that spill across large areas of the stage

C. 45 degree angles leave large diagonal pools of light that spill across large areas of the stage


Ideal Angle for Backlight is: 

A. 20-30 Degrees

B. 45-60 Degrees

C. 45 Degrees

D.15 Degrees

B. 45-60 Degrees


True or False: 

Illumination without Shadow reduces Visibility 


Shadow is not an Enemy to a Lighting Designer


Designers persuaded the producers to let them use the 1st box seat on either side of the stage to light from.  (Hence the name ________)

A. Boom Box 

B. Radio Seat 

C. Royal Box 

A. Boom Box


Can be placed anywhere from slightly in front, to straight-side, to back-side.

A. High Side 

B. Low Side 

C. Side Light 

A. High Side Light 


The Neutral Axis Approach needs __ more dimmer & __ more fixture than McCandless

A. 1,2

B. 1,1

C. 2,3

D. 2,1

B. 1,1

Needs 1 more dimmer & 1 more fixture than McCandless


Why is backlighting helpful for costume designers?

A. Brighter Colors can be considered 

B. Quick Costume Changes 

C. Patterns can be considered 

D. Dark Colors can be considered 

D. Dark Colors can be Considered!

Backlighting allows costume designers to use dark colors without the fear of the actor/actress blending into the background. 


Foot lights went out of style but are now coming back because they:

A. Are an embellishment to the stage 

B. A cheaper lighting option 

C. Vintage 

D. It colortones actors well and fills shadows 

D. They colortone actors well and fill shadows

  • Two lights from the front
    45 degrees out from the face, and 45 degrees up yields the most natural lighting. One cool tint, One warm tint 

A. Mccandless Lighting 

B. Jewel Lighting 

C. Neutral Axis Approach

A. Mccandless Lighting 


True or False

Anything higher than 45°-60° becomes like top light (squashes artist).



Why is Neutral Axis Approach often not possible?

A. The space between the lights are too far away from one another 

B.  locations of lighting position locations

C. Neutral Axis Approach requires special lighting instruments

B. locations of lighting position locations