About the GSA
Board Expectations
Financial Responsibilities
Fiduciary Duty

Does the Board report to the President?

No, the President reports to the Board


Is saying "yes, I agree with what ___ said and this captures my thoughts on this topic" considered active participation?

Yes! It demonstrates the person is listening and thinking about what is being discussed. 


Is the General Manager role an officer?

No, while the Corporate Secretary and Treasurer are officers and these roles are typically held by the General Manager, the General Manager in and of itself is not an officer.


Is the Board responsible for approving GSA investment plans?

Yes, that is an aspect of financial oversight


Is a director's self-interest under their fiduciary duty?

No, directors owe a fiduciary duty to the GSA at the expense of their own self-interests.


Do the VP's and GM report to the Board?

No, the VP's and GM report to the President


What mechanism do we use to quantify participation during Board meetings?

Peer and self evaluations 


Are by-laws meant to deal with day-to-day matters?

No, by-laws deal with the organization's operations. Policies are meant to deal with day-to-day matters


How often are the GSA's finances audited?

Once a year


Who or what do Directors have a fiduciary duty to?

The organization, not members


What is one of the political positions of the GSA?

Ensuring ethical academic, employment, and social policies for UWaterloo graduate students 

Mitigating barriers to pursuing graduate education in Ontario 

Encouraging the University of Waterloo and the wider Region of Waterloo community to be leaders in sustainability 

Supporting student mental wellness


In a four-month widow, what is the maximum number of meetings a director can miss with regrets before auto-resignation is triggered?

One (or more, with Board Chair discretion)


If there's a conflict between by-law and policy, which takes precedent? 



Who is responsible for reviewing the audits?

The Board!


What is a fiduciary?

A person having a legal obligation to act in the best interests of a person or entity, owes another person the duties of good faith, trust, confidence, and candor. Must exercise a high standard of care in managing another’s property.


What is one of the political positions of the GSA?

Ensuring ethical academic, employment, and social policies for UWaterloo graduate students 

Mitigating barriers to pursuing graduate education in Ontario 

Encouraging the University of Waterloo and the wider Region of Waterloo community to be leaders in sustainability 

Supporting student mental wellness


If director A believes director B didn't disclose a conflict when they should have, is director A responsible to report this?

Yes, to the Board Chair


What is a duty of care?

Directors must exercise care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances. (Section 43, ONCA). The expectation is to make informed decisions and be able to explain the logic or rationale behind the decision.


Are Directors expected to be experts in accounting and accounting practices?

No, but they are expected to seek professional advice (the GSA accountant) when topics of discussion are outside their knowledge base.


If director A delegates something that falls under their fiduciary duty to director B, is director A absolved of their fiduciary duty?



Other than the GRT, Health/Dental/Legal, and the Grad House, what is an example of a service the GSA provides to students?

Academic and wellness events, social events, advocacy/advising (in the form of a dedicated Association portfolio), tax aid


Is a director responsible for declaring a conflict of interest if their partner's roommate is applying to fill a vacancy on the Board?

Yes, real OR perceived conflicts need to be declared. It is up to Board discretion to determine if the director needs to recuse themself.


Who within the GSA is able to present a motion at Board?

Directors. Other actors may submit proposals to Board.


What is the purpose of the capital fund?

Valuation of assets and depreciation 


If director A really likes beer and wants the Grad House to undergo a massive renovation to accomodate more taps, but the Hospitality Manager provides evidence that the financial risk doesn't outweigh the potential rewards, is director A fulfilling their fiduciary duty by insisting on pursuing the project?

No, this is in their best interests and not that of the organization.