on Screen
Innovation in
World Records
Disability in

This Act prohibits discrimination based on disability in programs conducted by Federal agencies, programs receiving Federal assistance, in Federal employment, and within employment practices of Federal contractors. 

What is Rehabilitation Act of 1973?


This incredible individual is best known for his groundbreaking work as a physicist focusing on cosmology. He wrote many books, including 'A Brief History of Time,' and lived a very influential life despite being diagnosed with ALS at the age of 21. 

Who is Stephen Hawking?


A computerized device that interprets input information and data and then outputs audible speech for those incapable of producing speech themselves. 

What is a speech synthesizer?


This man accomplished the farthest accurate shot in archery on December 9th, 2015. He beat out the previous, able-bodied, component after learning how to use a bow and arrow with his feet and shoulders since he was born without arms. The final distance thrown, earning him the record, was 283.47 meters.

Who is Matt Stutzman?


At the age of 13 she was attacked by a shark while surfing, rendering her without a left arm. With her passion being in the water, she returned to surfing after only about a month of recovering and with her very own custom board. In 2005 she won first place at the NSSA National Competition. 

Who is Bethany Hamilton?


This Act prohibits discrimination based on disability in employment, state and local government, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation, and within telecommunications. In order to be protected by this act you must be a person with a disability, or have a relationship/association with a persons with disability. This act helps to promote equal and fair opportunity.  

What is Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990?


This 30 year old actress with down syndrome is best known for her role as a cheerleader on the hit show Glee. She is an advocate of anti-bullying protests and speaks out about the effects of bullying on special needs kids. 

Who is Lauren Potter?


This prosthetic, named after Luke Skywalker, is part of the University of Utah's research in creating a nerve sensing prosthetic. This prosthetic in particular has sensing capabilities to sense surfaces, and its movements are controlled by thoughts.

What is the Luke Hand?


This group accomplished the longest handshake chain consisting of 3,434 participants. Despite the challenge of a typhoon, the group managed to break the record with a time window of only 2 hours.

Who is the Hong Kong Blind Sports Federation?


This individual was born without a right hand, but this didn't stop him from his dreams of being an MLB player. In 1988 he was selected in the first round draft, after earning himself the title of the best prospect in college baseball. He later played for the Angels without having even pitching in a single minor league game.

Who is Jim Abbott?


This act requires all public schools give children with disabilities an equal opportunity of a free public education in the least restrictive environment possible for that individual. Individualized education programs must be developed by knowledgeable people, and updated yearly, as to suit the individual throughout their entire education.  

What is Individuals With Disabilities Education Act?


This 18 year old singer-songwriter suffers from Tourette's syndrome, but she doesn't let it define her. She announced her disability to the world through Instagram, and now it allows her to connect to many of her fans even more. She's especially known for her hit song, Ocean Eyes. 

Who is Billie Eilish?


This prosthesis stores wasted walking energy and transfers it into energy that makes it easier for amputees to walk, just as a solar panel converts the sun's energy into electricity. It reduces the net metabolic energy expenditure for amputees learning to walk with a prosthetic.  

What is an energy recycling foot?


This individual holds the record for the longest journey on crutches, travelling a total distance of 6,006.03 km. He travelled for 175 days, with an average distance of 32 km.

Who is Guy Amalfitano?


Being born an able-bodied individual, a tragic car accident left this woman paralyzed from the waist down.This didn't stop her and she later was named as the youngest member of the US's Paralympic team in 2008 competing in the women's 800-meter. In 2012 she was nominated for an ESPY for the Best Female Athlete with a Disability. 

Who is Chelsea McClammer?


This act sets a guideline that requires all buildings and facilities to be handicap accessible. It requires that new and altered buildings are designed, constructed, or altered to comply with the Federal standards for physical accessibility. 

What is Architectural Barriers Act?


This 84 year old American film director, screenwriter, actor and author is on the Autism Spectrum, with Aspergers. He has made a very successful life for himself writing and directing 'What's Up, Tiger Lily?' among many other movies. 

Who is Woody Allen?


This prosthetic is used to assist those with lower limb loss when it comes to swimming. This product helps increase the range of motion for those who are impaired as well as improving their gait. The purpose is to help make swimming easier, and promote a more active lifestyle. 

What is the Amp Fin?


This double amputee, who lost both of his legs to a landmine fighting in Afghanistan, preserved through his recovery and set the new world record for most planche pushups in one minute: 36 to be exact.  

Who is Temur Dadiani?


Being a member of the National Wrestling Hall of fame, designated as GNC's World's Strongest Teen, and named as one of the US Jaycees Top 10 Outstanding Young Americans, this individual born without any arms or legs has accomplished it all. He also became an MMA fighter who competes against able-bodied individuals. He's truly a star model showing those with a disability can accomplish anything. 

Who is Kyle Maynard?


This act prohibits discrimination against those with a physical or mental impairment in air transportation, whether domestic or foreign. This act includes boarding assistance if needed, as well as accessibility features being included in newly built or altered aircrafts/ airport facilities. It applies only to air carriers that provided regularly scheduled public services. 

What is Air Carrier Access Act


This actress, famous for her role as Eleven in the Netflix series Stranger Things, was born with partial hearing loss in one ear which eventually developed into no hearing at all in that ear. Despite this she has become a remarkable actress, even being nominated for an emmy in 2017. 

Who is Millie Bobby Brown?


This assistive device, similar to a walker, is used to help children who are unable to walk, but provides enough support to those who are unable to walk, or even stand on their own. This device is geared to those who need more assistance, and can bear little to no weight. 

What is a Gait trainer?


In 2008 this individual was the first to successfully complete a wheelchair backflip. He was confined to a wheelchair at the age of 13 due to spina bifida, yet never chose to believe it limited his abilities, and continued to test his limits.

Who is Aaron Fotheringham?


She has always had a passion for snowboarding, so even when she became paralyzed from the waist down after a failed snowboarding backflip attempt, she didn't stop. In 2009 she beat the previous paralympic gold medalist, and in 2010 she medaled 4 times at the paralympic games. 

Who is Alana Nichols?