The Bryan ✨Aesthetic✨
Learning the Bryan Vernacular
So... what is Bryan's job?
The many phases of Bryan
Miscellaneous Liquids

This is the color of the shorts that Bryan wore every day to high school his senior year.

What is traffic cone orange?


This was the name of Bryan's cooking show that he hosted on Instagram during the COVID lockdown.

Bonus points if you say it in Bryan's voice with the appropriate noise following the answer.

What was Cucina Quarantina?


This is the name of the company that Bryan works at.

Bonus points if anyone actually knows what he does there.

What is InfiniGods?

Bonus answer: I couldn't tell you, but if someone finds out, please let Devon know.


This is the number of countries in total Bryan has lived in and what they are.

What is three: Italy, France, and the United States?


This is the beverage-related paid partnership Bryan did on Instagram.

Bonus points if you know who the internet sensation was who influenced his advertising style of the time.

What is Metamucil?

Bonus answer: Salt Bae (Metamucil bae)

Note: this Metamucil is still in Devon and Chris's kitchen cabinets for some reason.


This is the personal product that he had a mental breakdown over when it was taken away by airport security.

What is his hair balm?


This was the famous quote from his best man speech at Daria and Gill's wedding.

What is "in high school we didn't do girls"?


This was his first job right after college.

What is an Analyst at Mastercard?


This is the sport that Bryan plays most in Puerto Rico.

What is pickleball?


This is the beverage he always brings to a party as a gift.

What is Cafe Patron?


This is the costume that he wore the last time he attended the NYC Halloween Parade in 2021.

Who is Carole Baskin from Tiger King?


This is his most famous catchphrase.

What is wowowow?


This was the season and year that the last post was made on

When was the Summer of 2015?


This is how many views does his most viral TikTok has. 5K, 25K, 500K, or 2M?

Bonus points for what he's doing in the video.

What is 500K?

Bonus answer: Cutting a cucumber blindfolded (do not DARE try recreating this right now)


This is the number of beverages Bryan typically orders when he goes out to breakfast.

What is 4: water, seltzer, iced coffee, and juice?


This is the number of sunglasses Bryan has lost in the last 3 years. Bonus points if you can guess the % and location where the largest share were lost.

What is 6?

Bonus answer: 3 were lost in the Ocean.


This is the intro he makes in all his meetings, including business calls.

What is GM GM?


This is the number of followers that Bryan has on X. ~15K, ~25K, ~40K, ~50K

Bonus points if you can guess how many times wolves are referenced in his bio.

What is ~50K?

Bonus answer: 5 wolves, including 2 wolf emojis.


This is the topic that Tuğçe and Bryan first bonded over.

What is playing CS professionally in high school?


This is when his first self-inflicted champagne saber injury was.

When is NYE 2017?


This is Bryan's favorite color.

What is chartreuse? (no... literally... wtf is chartreuse?)


This is the name of the food truck he wants to open with Tuğçe in Puerto Rico.

What is Ugly & Fancy?


This is the number of degrees/certificates has in total. List them all.

Bonus points for whoever has the most creative idea for what degree he should get next.

What is 5 degrees: Business, Culinary Arts, Sports Nutrition, Personal Training (x2)?


This is his most recent nickname.

What is Prophet?


This was the last thing he lost in the ocean before his sunglasses and goggles.

What are the car keys?