Disaster Definition & Food Distribution Channels
Phases of Disaster
Disaster Feeding Team & Roles #1
Disaster Feeding Team & Roles #2
Partners & Tools
Temporary sites set up organically by organizations and individuals who want to help the relief effort. Tendency to open and shut down quickly and capacity varies.
What are Pop Up Sites?
Disaster imminent. Conduct a risk assessment. Notify disaster team and review roles. Meet with disaster team. Secure assets. Reach out to partner agencies – Red Cross, OEM, VOAD.
What is the preparation phase?
Not perform regular duties and focus exclusively on disaster response.
Who are the Disaster feeding team members – during disaster response?
Determines food and supply types to be sourced at each phase of disaster, authorizes warehouse operations to bring in temporary support and equipment as necessary
Who is the Disaster Commander?
The host of Jeopardy the tv show since 1984.
Who is Alex Trebek?
City Harvest or non-city Harvest agencies located outside of the affected areas that create mobile routes to the affected areas to provide food.
What are Feeder Agencies?
3 to 4 days after disaster. Decision to enact the plan. As soon as it is safe - Disaster team reports to the FRF, field staff report to the field, check assets for damage, secure additional resources as needed, solicit disaster food, organize disaster feeding operation at the FRF, organize repacks, reach out to agencies to determine damage and needs, reach out to partner agencies, communicate status to key donors, board and staff.
What is the immediate phase?
Activates the Feeding Team
Who is the Disaster Commander?/Who is Leslie
Handle all unexpected deliveries into the FRF and communicate them to the Warehouse Operations Specialist.
Who is the food sourcing specialist?/Lisa
A copy of the disaster feeding plan
What to have at home, stored in a safe place?
Public housing complexes affected by the disaster and which are in need of food.
What/Who is NYCHA?
Disaster feeding infrastructure is fully established. A few weeks to months after disaster. Use regular channels to solicit and deliver food to agencies. Use parallel feeding operation. Communicate status to staff, board and partners. Secure staffing and food boxes if needed.
What is the sustained phase?
Lead the disaster response at the FRF
Who is the Disaster Operations Specialist?/Who is Jenique
On a daily basis, create deliveries for the next day and give them to the Disaster Operations Specialist.
Who is the Government agency and partner liaison?/Kate
Coordinate overall disaster response and recovery efforts.
What is the Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
A terrorist attack, hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, high water, wind driven water, tidal wave, earthquake, drought, blizzard, fire or other natural or man-made situation that causes human suffering or creates human needs that victims cannot alleviate with support.
What is a disaster?
Utilities are restored and residents have the ability to cook in their homes. Use regular channels to solicit and deliver food to agencies. Survey agencies and clients to determine when to shut down operation. Up to a year after disaster.
What is the long-term phase?
Bring in additional trucks and other rental equipment and additional warehouse supplies as necessary to manage increased volume of food.
Who is the Warehouse Operations Specialist?/Miguel
Ensure sites receiving City Harvest food meet the criteria for City Harvest food delivery.
Who are field staff?/Keith, Steven, Gisselle, Tatiana, Susan
Provides comprehensive disaster relief in affected areas, including shelter, medical support, supplies and food.
What is the American Red Cross?
Winter blizzard or fire in the office.
What is NOT a disaster? (described in our emergency response plan)
Winter blizzard or fire in the office.
What is NOT a disaster?
The main point of contact for the media regarding disaster, manage any PR opportunities related to the disaster, manage external communications.
Who is the communications specialist?/Cara
Lead damage assessment and recovery efforts in disaster.
Who is the emergency response/business continuity manager?/David
Coordinates disaster response among voluntary organizations
What is the Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD)?