Disaster Phases
Disaster Roles

Items that should be included in a family preparedness kit. 

What is water, nonperishable food, flashlight with extra batteries, battery powered or hand crank radio, first aid kit, whistle, dust mask, plastic sheeting and duct tape, wrench or pliers to turn off utilities, manual can opener, local maps, cell phone with charger, inverter or solar charger, moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties?


In this phase, planning occurs on how to respond when an emergency or disaster occurs.

What is the Preparedness phase?


In this level, it provides the greatest level of respiratory protection but lower skin level protection. It consists of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), non-encapsulated chemical resistant garments, gloves and boots. 

What is level B?


This tag would be used on minor injuries, non-urgent; including injuries such as cuts and sprains.

What is a green tag?


This role is a physician or administration position that assumes overall leadership for implementing the emergency plan.

What is the Hospital Incident Commander? 


The amount of days worth of supplies that should be kept in a preparedness kit.

What is 3 days worth? 

This phase begins almost concurrently with response activities and is directed at restoring essential services and resuming normal operations; may require a large amount of time, money and resources.

What is the Recovery phase? 

This level consists of surgical gown, mask, and gloves. It provides no additional protection for respiratory or splash hazards, only minimal protection.

What is level D?


This tag would be used for delayed or urgent care; injuries include things such as bone fractures with palpable peripheral pulses, extremity burns and glass in eyes.

What is a yellow tag?


This role is a physician who decides number, acuity and resources needed for patients.

What is the Medical Command Physician? 


A great distracter to a nurse's participation in a disaster response is what? What should nurses understand to be professionally prepared for a disaster?

What is worrying about family and significant others? To be prepared nurses should also understand workplace and community disaster plans.


During this phase, emergency responders and public officials provide emergency assistance to victims of the event and try to reduce the likelihood of further damage.

What is the Response phase?


In this phase, it provides the same skin protection as Level B but lesser level of respiratory protection than A & B. It is used when the type of airborne exposure is known to be guarded by an air-purifying respirator. It consists of non-encapsulated chemical-resistant suit, APR, gloves and boots.

What is level C?


This tag would deceased or expectant; injuries include things such as major head trauma and full thickness, full body burns.

What is a black tag?


This role is a person who serves as a liaison between the health care facility and the media.

What is the Community Relations or Public Information Officer? 


In this phase, if communities cannot prevent disasters, they can at least reduce the damaging impact; roof reinforcements or passing legislation that prevents new construction in floodplains.

What is the Prevention phase? 


In this phase, we attempt to eliminate/reduce the chance of the occurrence or effects of a disaster.

What is the Prevention phase? 


This is the highest level of respiratory, eye, mucous membrane and skin protection.

What is level A?


This tag would be used for emergent patients; injuries include things such as shock symptoms, airway compromise and bradycardia.

What is a red tag?


This role is a physician or a nurse who rapidly evaluates each patient to determine priorities for treatment.

What is the Triage officer? 


Disaster plans should be what; in order to be successful?

What is simple and flexible? 

This phase includes disaster drills, evacuation plans and fire drills.

What is the Preparedness phase? 


This level provides protection against gas, vapor, liquid and oxygen-deficient atmospheres. It includes a totally encapsulating chemical protective suit "moon suit" with a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), gloves and boots. This is used when hazards are unknown. It provides full protection against liquids or vapors.

What is level A?


Expectant patients receive what tag type due to having a life-threatening injury but no resources to treat; re-evaluation of patient should be done frequently.

What is a black tag? 


This should occur in the recovery phase, it is strictly confidential, addresses the emotional impact of the event and assists in preventing PTSD.

What is CISD or Critical Incident Stress Debriefing?