Fails and Facepalms
Things That Make Jason Say 'What The #$@!%'
Are You Smarter Than HR?
True or False
Things That Make Daniel say 'Aye, Aye, Aye'

For 3 of the last 5 Mondays, Bob has called in “sick.” You begin to suspect that Bob has just been having too much fun on the weekend and can’t drag himself out of bed.. What do you do?

Have a verbal conversation with Bob to investigate what may be going on. Remind Bob of the attendance policy.


Hearsay can be damaging in a healthcare setting, as it may lead to misunderstandings, provide lack of trust among staff members, and even impact patient care if false or unverified information affects decision-making or treatment plans. What is the first step managers should take in a situation of hearsay amongst staff?

What is interview the person involved in the situation?


An employee can be terminated on their first no call, no show to work. 

What is NO?


Someone can be termed for their first violation.

TRUE - Depending on the severity of the violation


Offensive conduct or jokes, slurs, name calling, physical assault or threat, intimidation, ridicule or mockery, offensive objects or pictures. 

What are types of harassment?


Jane breaks up with her boyfriend and tells everyone how distraught she is. She brings in a note from her counselor stating that she is suffering from depression and will need time off to attend appointments and whenever an episode occurs. After a couple weeks of Jane frequently missing work, the manager wants to write her up for violating the attendance policy. Will the attendance write up stand? 

No - This instance qualifies for FMLA


Employee's have come forward to a leader to discuss a coworker with a bad attitude. How should the leader handle this situation?

You want to listen to the frustrated coworkers but you also want to consider the full story. You will also want to interview the employee displaying the negative attitude.


What are the options for a disciplinary action?

What is 

1. Verbal Warning 2. Written Warning 3. Action Plan 4. Termination


When you overhear employee's discussing wage, and you know for a fact at least one employee is lying about their rate of pay, the appropriate response is to approach the group and confront the employee that is fibbing.  

FALSE - Employees have the right to discuss wage. Additionally, we cannot discuss wages with another employee even if we know they are lying. 


This states that an employment relationship may be terminated by the employer or employee at any time and for any or no reason.

What is Employment at Will?


Billy is a poor performer who skirts under the radar, never receiving discipline but still manages to get “meets expectations” on his performance reviews. One day, Billy's supervisor has had enough and decides Billy should be immediately terminated due to lack of performance in the clinic. The manager reached out to HR and HR says...

Has there been any formal verbal or written warnings?


A nurse in the clinic has been observed by coworkers dismissing patient concerns and making sarcastic remarks about the patient. This not the first time that there have been complaints about this employee and one verbal warning has already been completed. What is the next step the manager should take in the disciplinary process?

Written Warning: If performance expectations continue to be unmet, then the Supervisor will meet with the employee again to review the unmet expectations, goals for improvement and a timeline for improvement, and consequences for failure to meet unmet expectations. Documentation of the written warning will be placed in the employee's personnel file.


Confirmed theft of time is what step in the disciplinary action process?

What is termination? 


An employee with a disability is having trouble meeting job standards. It’s better to list their performance as “satisfactory” so they don’t become discouraged.



Excessive absenteeism is defined as...

What is five or more unscheduled occurrences within any rolling 12-month period?


A manager catches employees smoking on the back patio of the clinic and they have turned a trash can into their ash tray. Which answer best fits the next step:

1. The manager calls HR to meet with the employees to talk over the tobacco free campus policy

2. The manager joins in on the fun

3. The manager smacks the cigarette out of the employee's hand

4. The manager addresses the situation immediately by reminding the employees of the tobacco free campus policy. 

The manager addresses the situation by reminding the employees of the tobacco free campus policy.


An employee posts a patient’s lab results on Snapchat and their spouse finds out they have been hiding an illegitimate pregnancy. He is a great employee and tells you that it was a complete accident because he was trying to take a selfie. You believe it truly was an accident and decide to do a verbal warning and require the Kansas Training HIPAA lessons. What step was missed?

What is submitting an incident report for Risk/Compliance and HR to review?


1. Has the employee been written up before? 2. Has the employee been coached on this issue? 3. How was the last performance evaluation?

What will HR ask you if you are requesting a termination? 


An employee who fails to report promptly for work at the expiration of a leave of absence, or who applies for and receives unemployment insurance while on leave, will be considered to have voluntarily resigned. 



An employee creates and prints a fabricated note to excuse her child from school. The school calls to verify that the note is authentic, what should you do?

Do not release any information to the school as this violates HIPAA. If there is a valid concern that the note is not authentic, contact risk management. 


Sam is a recent convert to the “Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.”  In addition to celebrating the Sabbath on Friday by drinking beer and relaxing, Bob wants to wear a spaghetti colander on his head at work.  The dress code prohibits caps in the workplace.  Bob wears his spaghetti colander into work today. He tells you it’s an important demonstration of his belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. What do you do?

Employers should typically assume that an employee's request for religious accommodation is based on a sincerely held religious belief; however, if an employer has an objective basis for questioning either the religious nature or the sincerity of a particular belief, observance, or practice, the employer would be justified in seeking additional supporting information.


Tina is an exceptionally nice and very easy to get along with employee. Everyone likes Tina! However, Tina has had a very poor job performance over the last few weeks. It has been observed and documented by her manager Donald. Donald has compiled the evidence and is ready to meet with Tina to discuss the issue and sets a time to meet with her. Donald, not wanting to jump right into the difficult conversation and potentially hurt Tina's feelings, has a long talk about her about her recent family vacation. Donald then proceeds to have the conversation with Tina about her lack of productivity and poor performance. Did Donald handle the conversation appropriately? And Why?

No, by having a friendly conversation before a disciplinary action or termination conversation, the sharp change in conversation can potentially blindside the employee and/or the employee may not take the disciplinary action and recommendation for improvement seriously. 


In the event your employee does not agree with their performance review the next steps are...

What is, Take some time, reevaluate your conversation, and prepare to discuss again? 

The employee does have the right to refuse to sign their evaluation. 


An employee who is on FMLA leave has job protection but, when the employee returns to work, the employer can assign him or her to any available position so long as there is no reduction in pay.

FALSE - When FMLA leave ends, the employer is required to restore the returning employee to the same or an equivalent position. 


Employees have the right to contest a disciplinary action or Termination under what policy?

What is Grievance Process?