You are collecting the daily homework assignment and notice that both Suzy and Cindy have not turned in their daily assignments. Suzy always turns in her homework, is on time to class, and participates. After class, she comes up to you and explains that she got home very late from a soccer game and fell asleep. Cindy, however, rarely turns in homework on time, is rude to her peers, and is occasionally late for class. What consequences would you give these 2 students?
A) Because they both did not complete the assignment, it is only fair that they both get points taken off for late work
B) Because Cindy does not ever turn in homework, any consequence will not a difference. Give Suzy another chance to turn in the homework.
C) Because Suzy approached you to explain her situation and this is the first time she has not turned in homework, give her an extra day to complete the assignment. However, because Cindy regularly misses assignments, she does not receive another chances to make up the work
C) Because Suzy approached you to explain her situation and this is the first time she has not turned in homework, give her an extra day to complete the assignment. However, because Cindy regularly misses assignements, she does not recieve another chances to make up the work