Chris received this score on the SAT
What is 1590?
In the IMC, David made this individual cry. In the Discord call, Tommy did it again
Who is Divya?
Maycee created a fanfiction about the Discord about the budding romance between these two cord members
Who are Matt and Janiak
This teacher believed that her zoom class was the victim of zoom "hackers"
Who is Mrs. Wranitz?
Tony has an unhealthy obsession with this video game
What is League of Legends?
What is half-black?
The only freshman in the Discord (Make sure to use his name in the Discord, otherwise you will not receive credit)
Who is Long D
What is "Crank That(Soulja Boy)
If you eat in this area of GL you will be publicly executed.
What is the IMC?
Adam's greatest weakness
What is milk?
This individual was Chris's biggest threat when he was applying to Stanford
Who is Alex Matthews?
Janiak infamously gave Lucas this nickname due to his behavior in Discord calls.
What is the earrape monster?
Adrian claimed that this song's music video made his 11 year old self very happy
What is Anaconda
This individual walked in late on his own Econ debate, thus angering Danielle
Who is Pranav?
Danielle uses this adjective frequently to describe Gauthami
What is "Irregular?"
This individual, a GL alumnus, is now tasked with protecting Tony when he attends Johns Hopkins
Who is Jimmy Pitingilo?
Tommy's favorite picture on his phone displays many Discord members at this event of the seventh grade.
What is Noam's Bar Mitzvah?
Maycee recreated one of our Discord conversations in the format of this video game
What is Ace Attorney?
There was a lab in Com Sci that Chris complained about longer than it actually took him to do the lab. The lab had this number attached to it.
What is 40?
What is "There is carpeting under where I do my squats."
Despite going to the same college, Bella is still inferior to this individual in every way imaginable
Who is Renee?
In a zoom call with admitted students at the University of Chicago, David told one girl that he owned nine of these
What are chickens?
In short life of GL Memes, one underclassman felt the need to complain that we made too many memes about this place
What is the GL Parking Lot
Lucas attributed his yearbook quote to this historical figure
Who is Gandhi?
Matt was sad that he missed this event, the first of the millenia
What is the census?