Being prompt, prepared, polite, participating, producing quality work and having a positive mental attitude are known as this.
The Six P's
These are words that tend to escalate a situation and can either be internal or external.
Fire Words
This person is communication from which mode?
"I don't think you should try to make a decision when you are so weary. Let's talk about this in the morning."
Adult Mode
Your friend asks if he can use your car to go to a concert next week. Identify the behavior related most closely to your response...
"What? So you can get high and crash my car too? NO WAY!"
Stop, List, Choose, Do, Evaluate is the process of what?
Problem Solving
Being in the moment, having appropriate body language, giving appropriate eye contact, giving appropriate feedback, and asking questions to clarify or validate are known as these.
Attending Skills
Water Words
This person is communication from which mode?
"You should work hard so you can grow up and be rich and successful and get yourself out of the gutter."
Critical Parent Mode
Your friend asks if he can use your car to go to a concert next week. Identify the behavior related most closely to your response...
"No, um, I think I have plans that night... We'll see, but I doubt it. Text me later."
A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome is the definition of what?
A Problem
These rules involve having your desks touch, introducing yourself, using your names, applying your attending skills, and being aware of yours and other's wah/space.
Tribal Rules
On the Anger Scale, these are the things we experience frequently. We can handle them and generally don't escalate us out of the 0-20 range.
Everyday Stressors
This person is communication from which mode?
"Honey, would you like me to fix that zipper for you."
Nurturing Parent Mode
Your friend asks if he can use your car to go to a concert next week. Identify the behavior related most closely to your response...
"No, I don't let anyone use my car. I hope you can understand that."
How many steps are in the Conflict Resolution Model?
Sympathy involves UNDERSTANDING the feelings of others, whereas empathy involves __________ the feelings of others.
This part of the brain is responsible for basic survival instincts such as the fight or flight response.
Reptilian Brain
This person is communication from which mode?
"I hate bagels. Why can't you bring something we like for a treat?"
Not OK Child Mode
Your friend asks if he can use your car to go to a concert next week. Identify the behavior related most closely to your response...
"I guess so... (friend leaves and you say behind his back) What a loser, he is NEVER going to use my car!"
A serious disagreement or argument, typically one that lasts for a long time, or longer than expected is the definition of what?
A Conflict
These are the four steps of forming a team.
Forming, storming, norming and performing
This part of the brain is responsible for higher order thinking, abstract thoughts and philosophical questioning.
The Neocortex
This person is communication from which mode?
"I love it when it snows, and I can play outside."
OK Child Mode
These are the four components of an "I Message."
1) "I feel..."
2) Emotion based
3) Identify a specific behavior
4) Give a reason for your emotion
Which communication mode is it important to be in when attempting to solve problems or conflicts?
Adult Mode