Where are most younger performers placed?

Where their body type fits.


Name an argument against the claim that "Discrimination should be expelled and that it shouldn't matter what your body looks like."

It is important to care about your image as a performer.


What age do self image and esteem realizations begin?

Ages 11-13


How could Body Dysmorphic Disorder be described?

A mental disorder that leads to a constant obsession with a self proclaimed defect to ones appearance.


What can self image issues eventually lead to?

Body Dysmorphic Disorder.


What 2 specific roles are typically given to the "curvier, fuller bodied" girls?

Motherly or Oversexualized roles.

Name a reason that performers should not be cast based on their body types.

It may cause a distorted self image.

It can turn outside pressures into internal pressures.

Young performers can become oversexualized by audiences and auditioners.

What does psychologist Nadine Kaslow recommend practicing in order to help in times of despair due to comparisons?

Mindfulness (staying present within the current moment.)


What is one factor that can lead to body dysmorphic disorder and self identity issues in larger bodied girls?

The fetishization of their bodies and/or size.


What can Body Dysmorphic Disorder overlap with?

Eating Disorders


What is one of the easiest ways to eliminate discrimination of body types in theater?

By simply acknowledging the bias and taking accountability in order to prevent future typecasting.


How can the state of mind referred to as "Absence of the Body" be described?

Where someone can learn to ignore their own physical sensations such as hunger and pain.


Who could possibly be an influence to a young performer's self image?

Family, Friends, Directors, Teachers, and Production Teams.


In Stacy Radell's research study, what did dancers begin to see themselves as?

Objects, rather than human beings.


Based on the presentation given, what could possibly set off a performers Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

Wearing tight clothing in a dance class.