Chapter 7
Alprazolam, Buspirone and Ethanol Article
Anxiety Cell Article
Anxiety Cell Article Vocab

What are the 6 different types of anxiety disorder?

Generalized anxiety disorder 

Specific phobia 

Social Anxiety Disorder 

Panic Disorder 




What is ethanol and why include it? 

Ethanol is drinking alcohol and it often exaggerates the behavioral effects of drugs


What heightens in anxiogenic environments causing what?

vCA1 activity which promotes avoidance behavior


What is an anxiogenic environment?

An environment that causes feelings of anxiety and anxiety symptoms. 


What type of drug is buspirone? 

An anxiolytic drug 


What is the point in having an observer involved? 

Potentially correcting exaggerated self-scoring, allows for a comparison with how someone felt versus what someone witnessed, etc…


What 2 structures receive the densest vCA1 projections and what do they contribute to?

The basal amygdala and lateral hypothalamus. They contribute to anxiety behavior, learned fear and stress responses. 


What is the role of the medial prefrontal cortex?

It is a pathway that modulates anxiety related behavior.


What type of drug should I not take if I want to learn new information and why? 

Benzodiazepines because they cause anterograde amnesia which doesn’t allow for new information to be learned. 


How could the participant pool have played a role in the results? 

The alcohol may not appear to be as significant with majority being men, the excessive cigarette use could have played a role, etc…


Why was Ca2+ looked at specifically, what makes Ca2+so important? 

Calcium causes synaptic vesicles to move and fuse with the pre-synaptic membrane and the neurotransmitters can contact the post-synaptic cell. Calcium helps move information. 


What was the point of ArchT?

It allowed you to silence vCA1 using light (optogenetic silencing) 


A former solider is struggling with PTSD, what medicine should he take?

(hint:needs a medication that interferes with implicit memory) 

Lorazepam, it is the only benzodiazepine that interferes with implicit memories. 


Could this study produce negative long lasting effects, why or why not? 

Answers vary


What are 2 differences between dCA1 and vCA1?

dCA1 has place cells and vCA1 has anxiety cells, dCA1 is more spatially aware, vCA1 are recruited in anxiogenic environments and dCA1 are not etc…


What is the importance of the vCA1-LHA pathway?

A direct route that the hippocampus can use to influence innate anxiety behavior very quickly. 


Which withdrawal will someone go through if they’ve taken high doses longer than 6 months and why?

Both sedative-hypnotic and low-dose withdrawal. Sedative-hypnotic occurs with high doses and low-dose needs a duration of at least 6 months. This person did both. 


What is ironic about buspirone?  

It is used to treat anxiety but was found to increase nervousness and decrease calmness 


What type of tolerance could place cells be a part of? 

Conditional tolerance. Place cells are neurons that fire in certain places and conditional tolerance only occurs in certain places. 


What is BA and LHA and how are their projecting neurons organized? 

Basal amygdala and lateral hypothalamus. They are completely segregated with the vCA1-LHA neurons deeper than the vCA1-BA neurons.