What is the difference between a skin tag and a mole?
Skin tag - extension or outgrowth of the skin that looks like a flap
Mole - brownish spot ranging from tan to bluish black; can be flat or raised
What disease is inflammation of the mucous membrane around the eye, very contagious, and known as pinkeye?
1 in __ women in the US suffer from PCOS.
___ is redness caused by inflammation.
What is the difference between anhidrosis and hyperhidrosis?
Anhidrosis - deficiency in sweat
Hyperhydrosis - chronic excessive sweat
What condition is characterized as redness and bumpiness in the cheeks, upper arms, or thighs and caused by blocked follicles?
Keratosis pilaris (KP)
Describe the difference between Herpes Simplex 1 and Herpes Simplex 2.
Herpes 1 appears as fever blisters or cold sores; Herpes 2 is genital warts/genital herpes
Name 2 common symptoms of PCOS
Acne, sleep apnea, excessive body hair growth, weight changes, irregular periods, thinning hair
What condition resembles folliculitis without the pus or infection?
What condition is also known as prickly heat and is an acute inflammatory disorder of the sweat glands that results in the eruption of red vesicles and burning itching skin from excessive heat exposure?
Miliaria rubra
A callus caused by pressure or friction is an example of ____.
A keratoma
Which of the following is NOT contagious: tinea corporis, tinea versicolor, tinea pedis.
Tinea versicolor
Clients that may be "spa hoppers" and never satisfied with treatment results may be suffering from ___.
Body dysmorphic disorder
What common condition is characterized as a bacterial infection caused by hairs growing under the surface instead of growing up and out of the follicle?
What condition is characterized as severe oiliness of the skin, an abnormal secretion from the sebaceous glands?
What condition is characterized as a thickening of the skin caused by a mass of keratinocytes?
What contagious disease is a painful skin condition due to reactivation of chickenpox virus, also known as shingles?
Herpes zoster
A client who picks at their skin to the point of injury, scarring, or infection may be suffering from ____.
What common condition is a contagious hypertrophy of the papillae and epidermis caused by a virus?
Verruca (wart)
How do sebaceous filaments differ from open comedones?
Open comedones are a noninflamed buildup of cells, sebum, and debris
Sebaceous filaments are solidified impactions of oil without the cell matter
What itchy skin disease is characterized by red patches covered with white-silver scales and is usually found in patches on the scalp, elbows, knees, and chest?
What is the fungal condition that causes thick, brittle, discolored nails?
How does PCOS affect a woman's hair growth?
Thinning hair on scalp & abnormal hair growth on the body
What condition is characterized as a sebaceous cyst or subcutaneous tumor filled with sebum and typically appears on the scalp, neck, or back?
What condition is a hereditary factor in which dead skin cells build up because they do not shed from the follicles as they do on normal skin?
Retention hyperkeratosis