What is the Yellow Fish's Name?
What is the Green lizard's name?
What is Pascal?
What Are The Mouses Names?
What is Jaq and Gus?
What is the flower?
What is a rose?
How many Gnomes Are There?
What is Seven?
what color is Ursala's Hair?
What is White?
What does Rapunzel Hold?
what is a pan?
What color dress does she wear?
what is blue?
What color is Belle's Dress?
what is yellow
What Does Snow white get poisined from?
what is an apple?
What color is Ariel's Top?
What is Purple?
What Color Dress Does Her "Mother" Have?
what is dark red?
How May Sisters Does Cinderella Have?
What is two
What are Belle's two object friends?
What is a clock and a candle?
What color is snow white's shoes?
what is red?
what is ursala's pets?
what is eels?
what shoes does rapunzel wear?
what is Nothing?
What is her shoes made out of?
what is glass?
What does Belle love doing?
what is reading?
what three animals do snow white talk to?
what is Birds, Squirrels, and Deer?
what color is ariel's hair?
what is red?
what color is rapuzels hair?
what is blonde?
what color is cinderella's hair?
what is blonde?
what color is Belle's hair?
what is brown?
what color is Snow White's Hair?
what is black?