This ride features pirates singing a jolly song.
What is pirates of the caribean
Mickey mouses wife
Walt Disney's first character before mickey mouse.
This cartoon features lions and other talking animals where a young lion just can't wait to be king.
The lion king
Arials friend Sebastian sings this song when Arial wants to be with humans
Under thee sea. Bonus points if you sing ut
This ride was bought by Walt Disney and moved to disneyland because it reminded him of a ride in another park.
King arthur carousel
Mickey mouses loyal duck
Donald duck
This man was the original voice of mickey
Walt disney
This cartoon has a lucky rabbis and came before mickey mouse
This song is sung by a candle
Be our guest
The original disneyland was opened at this date
Mickey owns which location that you should come inside it's fun inside.
Mickey mouse Clubhouse
Disney was founded which year
This disney short features lots of dogs and an evil witch.
151 dalmatians
This frozen songs talk about going into the what
Not the unknown
Whats the oldest current disneyland ride
King arthure carousel
Mickey mouse birthday
November 18 1928
How much is disney worth
146 billion
What short established the dsiney cinematic univers
Once upon a studio
What song from the little mermaid remake features a bird singing to arial
How much did the original disneyland ticket cost
1 dollar
Which of mickeys friend in the mickey mouse clubhouse gives him items to assist him on his adventures.
Who first drew mickey mouse
UB Iwerks
This newer show features mickey mouse as a wizard
Phantasmic 2000
This song is the most listened to disney song
We don't talk about bruno